Determine the specific segment of the market

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13795153

Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:

Select one (1) specific analytical tool that you can use to determine whether or not the adaptive strategy or strategies selected for your organization will be the most effective in helping the organization achieve its goals. Propose the manner in which you would use this analytical tool, and support your proposal with an example of its proposed use.

Determine one (1) internal and one (1) external factor that you discovered during the environmental analysis that could be a barrier to the success of your proposed strategy or strategies. Recommend one (1) solution to each of the barriers in question.

Determine the specific segment of the market that your organization's strategy or strategies will target.

Recommend whether pre-service, point-of-service, or after-service activities would be the most effective in approach in marketing your strategy or strategies to the organization's target customers. Support your recommendation with examples of such effectiveness.

Propose the most effective manner in which the organization can support its strategic direction within its culture and structure.

Determine the most effective manner in which each of the following strategic resources can be instrumental in helping the organization to achieve its strategic goals: finance, human resources, facilities, and IT. Provide a specific example relevant to each resource to support your response.

Evaluate how well the strategic plan you have developed aligns with the organization's mission and vision. Recommend three (3) specific strategies to track the effectiveness of your strategic plan.

Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites to not qualify as academic resources.

Reference no: EM13795153

Questions Cloud

Describe the ethical issue involved and discuss : Describe the ethical issue involved and discuss the history of this issue, including any pertinent policies or precedents. Discuss the major stakeholders involved in the issue and their respective roles.
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What rhetorical devices are found in the given clip : What rhetorical devices are found in the clip? Based on their characteristics, how can the rhetorical devices be categorized? How do these devices influence audience response?
Business general manager and employees to be interviewed : The business general manager and employees to be interviewed. This week, you will prepare the questions individually and then finalize the questionnaire in a group by following these guidelines: •The questionnaire should have 10 open-ended questions...
Determine the specific segment of the market : Determine the specific segment of the market that your organization's strategy or strategies will target.
What does it take to be an effective communicator : What does it take to be an effective communicator. Citing specific examples from the readings and your own experiences, who is the best communicator you know. Why do you consider that person to be so.
Limitations of the use of gdp in aggregate accounting : Explain at least two limitations of the use of GDP in aggregate accounting
What types of power do a leader consists : Identify a person or persons who you consider a leader. What types of power do they use to accomplish their goals. How can you use these same types of power in your life
Fairness of the court system : Based on the scenario and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following:


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