Determine the Spearman correlation coefficients

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132266688

Assignment - Project

In this project, use the pizza delivery problem data available.

a) Prepare a contingency table for the pizza "temperatures" at delivery ("< 59oC", "59oC to 67oC" and "67oC <") and the delivery "time" ("< 34 mins" and "34 mins ≤") variables. Hint: try cut function in R.

b) Use Cramer's V, Goodman-Kruskal's γ, Kendall's τb, Stuart's τc, Somers' D, and a stacked bar chart to explore the association between the categorised "time" and "temperature" variables.

c) Draw a scatter plot for the continuous "time" and "temperature" variables. Determine both the Bravais-Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients.

d) Use methods of your choice to explore the relationship between temperature and driver, operator, number of ordered pizzas and bill. Is it clear which of the variables influence the pizza temperature?

Reference no: EM132266688

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