Determine the relative gene order in genes

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM1394494

In Drosophila melanogaster you are studying three phenotypes that you suspect are linked on the same chromosome. THe homozygous recessive traits for each locus are: b leads to black body; vg leads to vestigial or poorly developed wings; bw for brown eyes.
a. if b, vg, bw are unlinked what offspring ratios would you expect to see in a test cross?
b. to determine linkage, what is the cross you would set up? show genotypes and phenotypes for the flies you would cross
c. you make he cross from b. and get the following offspring combination:
phenotypes number of offspring
normal (wild type) 378
black body, vestigial wings, brown eyes 370
black body 104
vestigial wings, brown eyes 88
black body, vestigial wngs 221
brown eyes 234
black body, brown eyes 32
vegtigial wings 41
determine the relative gene order and map distances between the three genes

Reference no: EM1394494

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