Determine the performance of the competitive market

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131193994

Option: Impact of Market Competition Forces on Health and Medicare Care Outcomes (Paper)

Antitrust laws and managed care have had a significant influence on market competition in the healthcare industry, yet impediments to a more competitive healthcare market persist.

For this assignment, prepare an economic analysis brief that describes the role and impact of market competition force on healthcare outcomes in the United States or abroad to demonstrate an understanding of Module 6. Discuss and synthesize key elements from at least two recent scholarly articles (found in the CSU-Global Library) that address one of the following points:

• Determine the performance of the competitive market.
• Apply economic models, theories, or assumptions.
• Offer objective methods for attempting to predict future market behavior in response to events, trends, and cycles.
• Assess economic policy recommendations for healthcare stakeholders.

Your analysis should be thoughtful and thorough, well written, and formatted accordingly:

• Title page

• Introduction - What is the topic, why is it important, and what are the objectives of your brief?

• Body - What are the key elements of the scholarly articles that support the objectives of your brief? What economic models or concepts apply?

• Conclusion - What are the future implications, policy recommendations, etc.?

• Reference page.

Reference no: EM131193994

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