Determine the overall time frame of the program

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133647854

Question: Put the following program design steps in the order (1-6) you would deploy them. Determine the overall time frame of the program (macrocycle) and break it down into smaller training blocks (mesocycles) Incorporate variation by changing exercises, training methods, or training modalities within each mesocycle to prevent stagnation and maximize adaptation Individualize the program by considering the individual's fitness level, preferences, and limitations Gradually increase the training load and intensity over each mesocycle to apply the principle of overload and progression Establish specific goals and identify the needs of the individual or sport Regularly assess and monitor progress to make necessary adjustments to the training program

Reference no: EM133647854

Questions Cloud

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Describe a specific gap in the delivery of healthcare : Describe a specific gap in the delivery of healthcare. Include the specific population affected by the gap.
Determine the overall time frame of the program : Identify the needs of the individual or sport Regularly assess and monitor progress to make necessary adjustments to the training program
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