Reference no: EM133360882
Directions: Paraphrase this paragraph in your own words
"Food selectivity is the most frequently documented and well-researched feeding problem associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It most often involves strong preferences for starches and snack foods, coinciding with a bias against fruits and vegetables. Associated mealtime difficulties include disruptive mealtime behavior (e.g., tantrums, crying), rigidity surrounding eating (e.g., only eating in a specific location, requiring certain utensils), and avoidance of certain food items based on the sensorycharacteristic (e.g., texture).
Severe food selectivity in ASD most often involves deficits in dietary variety, not volume, and children with ASD typically consume enough food to meet gross energy needs (Sharp, Berry, et al., 2013; Sharp et al., 2014). Because children with ASD typically consume an adequate volume of food, this may explain why, historically, feeding concerns in ASD have been overlooked in relation to other areas of clinical concern. The clinical picture, however, for food selectivity in ASD is more complicated from a nutritional and medical standpoint and requires looking beyond anthropometrics to determine the overall impact of atypical patterns of intake, including enhanced risk for underlying dietary insufficiencies and associated poor health outcomes (e.g.,obesity)."