Determine the optimal number of events that should scheduled

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133659305

Problem: Project Description

The hotel at the Painted Paradise Resort & Spa wants to expand its ability to hold business conventions. You have been asked to help in a variety of ways. First a list of businesses has been provided to you as a comma-delimited text file. You will need to import this data into an Excel workbook so that these businesses can be contacted later. Second, Painted Paradise is considering taking out a loan to pay for the construction of new meeting spaces for business conventions. You have been asked to help develop a loan analysis for this project. Lastly, the new meeting spaces will add to the three rooms already available to the hotel. You have been asked to develop a Solver model to help determine the optimal number of events that should be scheduled in each room in order to maximize profit. You have been told that the Eldorado Room currently has two regularly occurring meetings per month.

Reference no: EM133659305

Questions Cloud

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Determine the optimal number of events that should scheduled : Develop a Solver model to help determine the optimal number of events that should be scheduled in each room in order to maximize profit.
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What disruption and challenge facing supply chain management : What are disruptions and challenges facing supply chain management? Current and future challenges and opportunities. Processes affected by these challenges.
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