Determine the number of medications in your home

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133495787


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Drugs of all types have become such a large part of everyday life we may begin to treat them without the proper degree of respect and consideration of the potential dangers. Drugs are not confined to prescription medications; herbals, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, vitamins, minerals, health food products, all contain chemical compounds similar, or identical to traditional medications. They are no safer. They have few required proof that they work, or are safe.

Tylenol (acetaminophen) is found in multiple medications. It is almost universally considered one of the safest OTC substances. Indeed, it is marketed as safe for the youngest children, provide in liquid and a dropper. Yet, this chemical is converted by the liver when ingested into a different form (metabolite) that is toxic to the liver. The liver can be destroyed to the point that a transplant is needed, or the person will die.

There are over 600 medicines that contain Acetaminophen. More than 50 million Americans use Tylenol weekly. 56,000 emergency-room visits, 26,000 hospitalizations, and 458 deaths a year. Acetaminophen is the leading cause of acute liver failure in the U.S., causing some 1,600 cases a year. People tend to accumulate medicines and keep them around. Few consciously dispose of old, unused, unneeded medications.

Determine the number of medications in your home.

Include the following aspects in the discussion:

  • Take stock of the number of prescription, nonprescription, OTC, herbals, etc. in your home.
  • Share the number and types you found if you are comfortable doing so
  • How old are the medications?
  • Do you still use/need the medication?
  • Are the medications stored safely (away from children and pets)?
  • Discuss your plan now that you are aware of potential dangers of these medications.

Reference no: EM133495787

Questions Cloud

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Determine the number of medications in your home : Take stock of number of prescription, nonprescription, OTC, herbals, etc. in your home. Share the number and types you found if you are comfortable doing so.
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