Determine the needs of the users-interview stakeholders

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM133243071


Using System Development Life Cycle design and implement a scheduling system that implements the above business rules.

The project will be accomplished in phases:

I. (10) Planning: Determine the resources, timing and any constraints. Make a GANTT chart for the schedule. Assign tasks to resources and members.

Deliverable: GANTT chart, a description of the project

II. (20) Systems Analysis and Requirements: Determine the needs of the users, interview stakeholders. Create a list of requirements for accomplishing the project and a Data Flow Diagram of the processes. There will be two opportunities to interview the stakeholders.

Deliverable: Data Flow Diagram (Context, Level 0 and Level 1)

III. (20) System Design: Detailed design of the system. Create prototype of input/output interfaces, Entity-Relationship Diagram and Use case diagram

Deliverable: Entity-Relationship Diagram

IV. (20) Development: Creation of programs and any other elements needed for the project. The project will use XAMPP stack as its development environment.

Deliverable: User interface(s), Database dictionary

V. (15) Testing: Creation of sample dataset, to test the system.

Deliverable: Sample test data

VI. (15) Implementation: Complete testing and post the system on the common web site.

Deliverable: Source code with comments, database schema.

Reference no: EM133243071

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