Determine the nash equilibrium for trade policy

Assignment Help Game Theory
Reference no: EM1372663

1. Consider trade relations in the United State and Mexico. Suppose that leaders of two countries believe the payoffs to alternative trade policies are as follows:

US' policy
Low Tariffs High Tariffs
Low Tariffs US gains $25b US gains $30b
Mex gains $25b Mex gains $10b
High Tariffs US gains $10b US gains $20b
Mex gains $30b Mex gains $20b
Mexico's policy

a) What is the dominant strategy for the US and For Mexico?
b) Define Nash equilibrium. What is the Nash equilibrium for trade policy?
c) In 1993, US Congress ratified the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), in which the US and Mexico agreed to reduce trade barriers simultaneously. Do the perceived payoffs shown here justify this approach to trade policy?


Reference no: EM1372663

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