Reference no: EM131574328
Discussion 1
"Establishing Probable Cause" Please respond to the following:
• Go to the Legal Update Online Website, and research the latest case law concerning probable cause and law enforcement officials. In your own words, discuss the possible changes you see coming in this area as it relates to the Bill of Rights. Provide a rationale for your response.
• Compare and contrast the concepts of probable cause and reasonable suspicion. In your own words, determine the relationship between the two (2) concepts as they relate to search and seizure.
For this week, you have an opportunity to discuss how law enforcement officers establish probable cause. Law enforcement officers should make good reasonable legal discretionary decisions when determining if probable cause exists before arresting or search and seizing (del Carmen, 2014). I assume after this week's discussion; class members will learn how difficult it may be for an officer to determine when probable cause exists.
del Carmen, R. V. (2014). Criminal procedure: Law and practice (9th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage.
Please also reply to the fellow student
Response Discussion 1
Although reasonable suspicion and probable cause are both discretionary decisions when determining the fourth amendment of searches and seizures, there are casual differences when compared to each other and used in certain situations, and whether the reasonable suspicion and probable cause are enough to obtain a legal search warrant.
Reasonable suspicion is stated to be immediately below probable cause and less demanding. According to the text, reasonable suspicion cannot be used alone in a case of arrest, but may be used for a stop a frisk by policemen. Probable cause on the other hand is more drastic in terms and is needed by law to obtain a search warrant that is approved by judge or attorney general.
Stating in the text, Probable Cause has been defined by the supreme court as more than bares suspicion; it exists when the facts and circumstances within the officers' knowledge and of which they had reasonable trustworthy information are sufficient in themselves to warrant a man of reasonable caution in belief that an offense has been or or is being committed. Problems today with reasonable suspicion and probable case is racial profiling and police bias.
Ever since the many terrorist attack thats been happening around the world, officials are are labeling and profiling specific races and Muslims to be terrorists. On top of that, people with color or specific racial backgrounds were being overly abused with stop and frisks because of racial profiling.
Discussion 2
"Recruitment, Training, and Police Socialization" Please respond to the following:
• From your perspective, determine the most significant problem preventing recruiters from obtaining a viable applicant pool. Justify your response.
• From the e-Activity, give an example of a situation where scripted patrols would be favored over random patrols. Next, provide one (1) disadvantage of having scripted patrols over random patrols. Justify your response.
Please also reply to the fellow student
Response Discussion 2
From my perspective, I think the problem in preventing a viable applicant pool is fear of the unknown, obesity, andPeople previous. I believe those dread of not knowing what will anticipate may be a significant and only those candidate pool. I need to be with impostor police recruitment. Meeting when I left there; I knew it wasn't the job for me. The officers were very blunt, and they stated the many problems they incur while on the job.
At that time I was the mother of a newborn, and I couldn't imagine having to miss so much of his life. I also think that obesity plays a significant part, it's not so just being overweight but not being healthy in general. Being an officer is a good job, you have to be able to run, jump, pin down, pick up, restrain, etc..On you need aid not physically fit you won't need.
The capacity on stay aware of the individuals you must capture. Finally, I have confidence your secret word assumes the greatest and only at. Nobody.
May be innocent, individuals need to be required a drink alternately smoke, A percentage have stolen something Similarly as a teen or young grown-up.
That maybe the only thing on your record and it can stop you from being an officer. What if going through the legal system that one time has turned you around and made you want to become an officer.
A circumstance the place scripted patrols might make favoring random patrols again. Holds a schedule movement stop. The motivation behind I says this may be a direct result those. The script has to be straightforward and easy to complete. Since everything has to be done in a certain amount of time it shouldn't take long to finish the script.
The disadvantage of having scripted patrols is the fact that they are time-consuming, and space is limited. Since the report is done on a spreadsheet and made to be simple, it leaves room for error. Due to having time, limited space there is a possibility of leaving valuable information out.