Reference no: EM131063890 , Length:
Task 1:
Write a short report (not more than 4 pages), discussing the critical factors you need to consider when selecting a pump, including its driver and auxiliaries.
Task 2:
A combined weir is used in exceptional conditions, when a traditional weir is not suitable for measuring the flow. Based on your research, demonstrate how a combined weir (rectangular-triangular combo) shall look like, with a dimensional view, along with necessary physical characteristics (parameter).
Task 3:
While running a test on a rectangular weir in the lab, you have recorded the following data. Write the equation to determine the coefficient of discharge Cd and put the applicable values (from the data given below) in the equation.
Volume collected, V (m3) |
Time of collection, t (s) |
Volume flow rate, Qact(m3/s) |
Height of water level, H (m) |
Cd |
0.0003 |
4 |
7.50 x 10-5 |
0.02 |
Width of the weir, b = 0.03m
Gravity, g = 9.81 m2/s
Task 4:
What is the formula to calculate the actual discharge of water through a rectangular weir?
Task 5:
What is the Chezy Equation to determine the mean velocity of flow through an open channel?
Task 6:
Manning's coefficient used for calculating flowrate depends on which property of the open channel?
Task 7:
What is the equation to determine apparent weight (Wapp) of a body of density Ρ when the body is immersed in a liquid of density σ?
Task 8:
A tree whose wood has a density of 650 kg/m3 falls into a river. Will it sink or float? Explain why.
Task 9:
What is the main purpose of using the Moody Chart?
Task 10:
For a commercial steel pipe, the value of resistance coefficient = 0.25 and flowrate = 3.3 m3/s. Using the Darcy-Weisbach Equation, what will be the friction head loss hf?
Task 11:
For the following pipe, that demonstrates sudden expansion in the area of flow, what is the equation to calculate minor head loss?

Task 12:
For a horizontal surface, such as the bottom of a liquid-filled tank shown below, what is the formula to determine the resultant force FR acting on it due to fluid?

Task 13:
What will be the formula to determine the differential force dF acting on the differential area dA of a plane (as shown below) at depth h, submerged in a fluid having a specific weight γ and pressure P?

Question 1.
Convert the following reduced bearings to whole circle bearings:
N.36°16'E; (b) S.28° 14' E. (c) S.47°26'W and (d) N.58°24'W
Question 2.
Convert the following reduced bearings to whole circle bearings:
N.36°16'E; (b) S.28° 14' E. (c) S.47°26'W and (d) N.58°24'W
Question 3.
A road at a constant RL of 180.00 runs North to South. The ground East to West is level. The surface levels along the centre line of the road are as follows:
Chainage in meter:
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Level in meter:
183.50 182.45 182.15 181.55 180.95 182.05 180.80
Compute the volume of cutting, given that the width at formation level is 8 m and the side slopes 1.1/2 to 1. The centre depths of the cutting at 30 m intervals may be determined by subtracting the formation from the respective ground levels.
Question 4.
In the left column of the table below, listed are a range of geological studies that can be performed through various investigation mechanisms. Based on your research and independent studies, analyse which of these studies can be performed through seismic methods and fill out the right hand side of the column, with appropriate answer, options are: Yes / No / Possible.
Can Seismic Methods be Used for this Application?
(Yes/ No/ Possible)
1. Assessing the Depth of soil and rock
2. Mapping lateral anomaly locations
3. Determining vertical anomaly depths
4. Very high resolution of lateral or vertical anomalous conditions
5. Depth to water table
6. Existence of contaminant
7. Mapping contaminant boundaries
8. Determining vertical extent of contaminant
9. Determine flow direction
10. Detection of organics floating on water table
11. Location of Bulk wastes
12. Location of Non-metallic containers
13. Location of Metallic containers
14. Depth of a Buried Object
15. Location of utility pipes, cables and etc.
16. Identification of permeable pathways associated with loose fill in utility trenches
Question 5
Your task is to provide the following for another commonly used methodology known as the Core Cutter Method.
a) Provide the detailed procedure for undertaking the Core Cutter Method.
b) Provide a detailed Core Cutter Method Results Data Table to tabulate your information.
c) Complete the Core Cutter Method Results Data Table based on the information provided in this question and on representative/realistic information that you obtain from your research on this method.
Given Data
You will be using the following apparatus to conduct the test:
- Cylindrical core cutter, 100mm internal diameter and 130mm long.
- Steel rammer, mass 9kg, overall length with the foot and staff about 900mm.
- Steel dolley, 25mm high and 100mm internal diameter.
- Weighing balance, accuracy 1g.
- Palette knife.
- Straight edge and steel ruler.
All working must be shown. Explained in good English.