Determine the maximum value and the minimum value

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM131246867

Program Description

Create a program called YourLastName_assignment4.asm. This simple program will print the following information to the command prompt screen as well as take in user input and perform some basic computations:

a. Print your full name on one line

b. Prompt the user to enter a word (at least 8 characters) and retrieve this information

c. Prompt the user to then enter a number greater than zero and retrieve this information

(You should check to see if the user enters a number greater than zero (positive) here, print an error otherwise and repromptuntil a valid number is entered!)

d. Print the word to the screen that many times, one per line.

(If the user entered a 5, the word would print out 5 times)

e. Print a blank line (This is to separate your output)

f. Prompt the user to then enter three (signed) numbers and retrieve this information

g. Echo what the user enters

h. Take these three numbers determine the maximum value and the minimum value.

i. Print a blank line (This is to, again, separate your output)

j. Ask the user for a year (no earlier than 1582).

(You should check to validate that this year is 1582 or greater; display error if less than that and repromptuntil it is correct - this is the year the Gregorian calendar was first introduced which included leap years.)

k. Determine and display if the year entered is a leap year.

(A leap year is a multiple of 4, and if it is a multiple of 100, it must also be a multiple of 400.)

l. Finally print out that the program reached a successful termination

For example the output may look something like:

Your name here

Please enter a word: TestWord

Please enter a positive number: number





Please enter three more numbers: number numbernumber

You entered: number, number, number

The maximum value is number.

The minimum value is number.

Please enter a year no earlier than 1582: year

Is year a leap year? yes/no

***Successful Program Termination***

Good Luck!

Attachment:- Program Description.rar

Reference no: EM131246867

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10/18/2016 5:17:08 AM

This is an assembly program we are using Linux os for this, I uploaded the boiler plate which must be used in the program and I uploaded some example programs which contains code that may be identical to code needed in this program and a pdf of information that has some commands near the end that can be used. I also uploaded the assignment insturctions. Also the boiler plate must be used and unaltered its the standard for the class code goes in the center of the push and pulls and you write code in other sections as well see the example programs they contain what is expected as well as code that may be identical to what is needed.

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