Determine the managerial report

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM133266077

Managerial Report

Use the tabular and graphical methods of descriptive statistics to help management develop a customer profile and to evaluate the promotional campaign. At a minimum, your report should include the following:

Customer Type of Customer Items Net Sales Method of Payment Gender Marital Status Age
1 Regular 1 $ 90.00 Discover Male Married 32
2 Promotional 1 $ 102.00 Discover Female Married 36
3 Regular 1 $ 23.00 Discover Female Single 32
4 Promotional 5 $ 200.00 Discover Female Married 28
5 Regular 2 $ 64.00 MasterCard Female Married 34
6 Regular 1 $ 45.00 MasterCard Female Married 44
7 Promotional 2 $ 98.00 MasterCard Male Single 30
8 Regular 1 $ 23.00 Visa Male Married 35
9 Promotional 2 $ 57.00 Visa Male Married 46
10 Regular 1 $ 55.00 MasterCard Female Single 36
11 Regular 1 $ 30.00 MasterCard Female Married 48
12 Promotional 1 $ 32.00 MasterCard Female Married 40
13 Promotional 9 $ 160.00 Visa Male Married 40
14 Promotional 2 $ 65.00 Visa Male Married 46
15 Regular 1 $ 100.00 Visa Male Single 24
16 Promotional 2 $ 71.00 Discover Male Single 36
17 Promotional 3 $ 194.00 Discover Female Single 22
18 Regular 3 $ 55.00 Discover Female Married 40
19 Promotional 2 $ 39.00 MasterCard Female Married 32
20 Promotional 6 $ 45.00 Proprietary Card Male Married 56
21 Promotional 1 $ 32.00 MasterCard Male Single 28
22 Promotional 4 $ 71.00 MasterCard Male Married 38
23 Promotional 7 $ 236.00 MasterCard Male Married 50
24 Regular 2 $ 74.00 Proprietary Card Male Married 42
25 Promotional 2 $ 40.00 Visa Male Married 48
26 Promotional 1 $ 30.00 Visa Female Married 60
27 Regular 1 $ 45.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 54
28 Promotional 5 $ 193.00 Proprietary Card Female Single 42
29 Promotional 3 $ 171.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 32
30 Promotional 1 $ 18.00 MasterCard Female Married 70
31 Promotional 2 $ 63.00 MasterCard Female Married 28
32 Regular 1 $ 75.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 52
33 Promotional 3 $ 63.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 44
34 Regular 1 $ 40.00 MasterCard Male Married 34
35 Promotional 5 $ 106.00 MasterCard Male Married 56
36 Regular 1 $ 30.00 MasterCard Male Single 36
37 Regular 2 $ 103.00 Visa Female Single 42
38 Promotional 6 $ 118.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 50
39 Promotional 5 $ 13.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 44
40 Regular 2 $ 53.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 58
41 Promotional 13 $ 199.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 42
42 Promotional 4 $ 20.00 Visa Female Married 46
43 Regular 2 $ 124.00 Visa Male Married 48
44 Promotional 1 $ 62.00 Visa Female Married 54
45 Promotional 2 $ 24.00 Visa Female Single 38
46 Promotional 2 $ 40.00 Visa Male Single 60
47 Regular 1 $ 25.00 MasterCard Female Married 46
48 Promotional 3 $ 84.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 30
49 Promotional 1 $ 15.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 32
50 Promotional 9 $ 145.00 MasterCard Female Married 46
51 Promotional 6 $ 177.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 38
52 Promotional 5 $ 119.00 Proprietary Card Male Married 68
53 Regular 1 $ 58.00 Discover Male Single 78
54 Regular 2 $ 74.00 Visa Female Single 20
55 Regular 2 $ 50.00 MasterCard Female Married 32
56 Promotional 3 $ 142.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 38
57 Promotional 6 $ 123.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 54
58 Promotional 2 $ 80.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 48
59 Promotional 4 $ 65.00 MasterCard Female Married 46
60 Promotional 4 $ 113.00 Proprietary Card Female Single 50
61 Promotional 1 $ 109.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 46
62 Promotional 3 $ 60.00 Proprietary Card Female Single 30
63 Promotional 5 $ 54.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 54
64 Promotional 1 $ 32.00 Proprietary Card Female Single 42
65 Promotional 2 $ 50.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 48
66 Promotional 1 $ 40.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 62
67 Promotional 2 $ 60.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 34
68 Promotional 5 $ 147.00 Proprietary Card Female Single 28
69 Promotional 2 $ 47.00 Proprietary Card Male Married 46
70 Promotional 8 $ 95.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 54
71 Promotional 5 $ 155.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 30
72 Promotional 4 $ 58.00 MasterCard Male Married 32
73 Regular 1 $ 69.00 Proprietary Card Female Single 22
74 Promotional 2 $ 47.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 32
75 Promotional 2 $ 45.00 Visa Female Married 74
76 Promotional 4 $ 85.00 Visa Male Single 62
77 Regular 2 $ 39.00 Proprietary Card Female Single 42
78 Promotional 4 $ 111.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 28
79 Promotional 3 $ 87.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 38
80 Regular 2 $ 89.00 Discover Female Married 54
81 Promotional 2 $ 78.00 MasterCard Female Married 68
82 Promotional 6 $ 53.00 Proprietary Card Female Single 30
83 Promotional 4 $ 59.00 Visa Female Married 36
84 Promotional 3 $ 46.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 44
85 Regular 2 $ 38.00 Visa Female Married 44
86 Promotional 1 $ 21.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 62
87 Regular 6 $ 144.00 MasterCard Female Single 48
88 Regular 4 $ 107.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 36
89 Promotional 1 $ 52.00 Proprietary Card Female Single 20
90 Promotional 6 $ 58.00 Proprietary Card Female Single 42
91 Promotional 4 $ 95.00 Visa Male Single 54
92 Promotional 1 $ 22.00 Visa Female Married 54
93 Regular 5 $ 160.00 Proprietary Card Male Married 72
94 Promotional 17 $ 250.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 30
95 Regular 3 $ 66.00 American Express Female Married 46
96 Regular 1 $ 40.00 MasterCard Female Married 44
97 Promotional 9 $ 223.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 30
98 Promotional 10 $ 248.00 Discover Male Married 52
99 Promotional 2 $ 48.00 Discover Female Married 30
100 Promotional 1 $ 28.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 44

1. Frequency distribution for each qualitative variable.

2. A bar chart showing the number of customer purchases attributable to the method of payment.

3. A pie chart showing the marital status of customers.

4. A frequency distribution and histogram of net sales. (Begin with the first class starting at 0

and use a class width of 50)

5. A cross tabulation of type of customer (regular or promotional) versus net sales. Comment on any similarities or differences present.

6. A scatter diagram to explore the relationship between net sales and customer age.

Reference no: EM133266077

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