Determine the location of your virtual business

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM133480366


• Determine the location of your virtual business. Every business needs an address for several reasons, even a virtual business. Determine what those reasons are, and why you chose that location. Do not forget management and maintenance of facilities if a physical location is needed.
• Develop a technology plan outlining all of the types of technology you will need to operate your virtual business.
• Determine the tools and equipment needed to operate your virtual business.
• Determine performance milestones and design key metrics to measure success.
• Develop a service blueprint to map the customer relationship and transaction process and explain the map's significance.
• Create a procurement process to streamline the acquisition of inventory and capital expenditures, as needed.
• Determine and plan the financial operations of your virtual business.
• Conduct an analysis to determine risk to the virtual business. Devise a plan to mitigate identified risks.
• Determine the type of insurance your virtual business needs.
• As senior partners in the virtual business, determine compensation packages for each virtual team member and recommend an equity structure in partnership with the angel investors for your virtual business.
• Explain any operational and financial checks and balances that will be implemented to protect the interests of the investors.
• Based on estimates from market research, product pricing strategies, and promotional campaign predictions, develop a 3-year sales forecast for each product of your virtual business.
• Develop an operating budget for your virtual business.
• Develop cash flow, profit and loss, balance sheet, and break-even analysis forecast projections for your virtual business.
• Determine if additional funding from the angel investors or contributions from the virtual team are needed to operate your virtual business.
• Determine the return on investment for any angel investor and virtual team member funding.
• Synthesize a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic research resources to substantiate your critical thinking and to provide viable reasoning for your perspectives.
• Apply proper current APA style citation format.
• Use headings to segment the topics in your writing in order to create a flow of ideas for your reader.

Reference no: EM133480366

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