Determine the key components of supply chain management

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13798810

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

Evaluate two to four (2-4) weaknesses that are evident in the selected organization's product life cycle. Generate a new product design and product selection, and then determine three (3) strategies that the organization needs in order to strengthen the operation. Provide support for the rationale.

Determine the key components of supply chain management for the company you have selected. Determine three (3) major issues that could affect the structuring, sourcing, purchasing, and the supply chain of your organization. Provide a solution to each issue.

Develop a total quality management tool that identifies and analyzes any future issues. Provide a rationale for developing the selected tool.

Analyze three (3) advantages in employing the just-in-time philosophy in your organization. Evaluate three to five (3-5) means in which the philosophy could potentially impact quality assurance. Provide specific examples to support your response.

Determine a qualitative and quantitative forecasting method for your operation. Next, create a table in which you identify the characteristics of the operation that relate to each method. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each method.

Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment.

Reference no: EM13798810

Questions Cloud

The costs of technology and/or program investments : For each stakeholder category, how do the costs of technology and/or program investment compare to the benefits?
Define values and ethics : Identify at least three sources of professional values and ethics.
Important physical characteristics of region : 1. What are the important physical characteristics of your region and what is the impact on the region because of this?
Healthcare service/product consumption : What fraction of mobile ubiquitous services and products are devoted to monitoring and ongoing care?
Determine the key components of supply chain management : Determine the key components of supply chain management for the company you have selected. Determine three (3) major issues that could affect the structuring, sourcing, purchasing, and the supply chain of your organization. Provide a solution to ..
Is this statement true always sometimes or never : A student has the idea that the total work done on an object is equal to its final kinetic energy. Is this statement true always, sometimes, or never
How large is a mass of a given force : How large is a mass of a force of 100n is required to accelerate it by 5 m/sec/sec
What is jzs break-even point in units and dollars : What is JZs break-even point in units and dollars - schedule of cost of goods manufactured.
Discuss metamorphic grade and faries : Discuss metamorphic grade and faries , and how its been used to show intersity of metamorphism? Discuss different types of stress and their corresponding faults , HW , FW , Normal fault?


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