Determine the key benefits of creating such policies

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Reference no: EM132818872

Assignment: Scenario: It is widely known that knowledge management systems are key to success in multinational companies. Imagine that you are vice president of a company that is ramping up to go global.

Your task is to design a comprehensive best-practices policy list for managing existing knowledge and any new knowledge as it becomes available. The best-practices policy should include a task list that will help your company to handle unexpected events such as earthquakes, demonstrations, and bomb threats as well as mundane issues of conducting business in any country or countries into which you will be expanding. The policy list should also take any unique challenges that your company may face into account.

Preparation: Please choose one of the following industries for this assignment:

This is the one I chose.

• Consumer electronics or electronic components

Note: You may make all assumptions needed to complete this assignment.


Write a 6-8 page paper in which you:

1. Design a comprehensive best-practices policy list that includes policies on the following:

• Sanitation (hand washing, toilet facilities, etc.).

• Eating and drinking (at desks, on the company grounds, inside in the manufacturing area at designated locations, etc.).

• Conflict resolution (mediation and/or arbitration with designated mediator on staff, etc.).

• In-house team leadership and meeting management (e.g., minimum meeting times, scribes, appointed leaders).

• Online team (24-hour coverage on phone due to time differences, etc.).

• Security (e.g., leaving doors open, locks, key return policy for departing workers).

• Emergency evacuation procedures.

2. Determine the key benefits of creating such policies. Provide a rationale for your response.

3. Speculate on the major ramifications if such policies are not created. Provide a rationale for your response.

4. Predict the significant ways in which the best-practices policy that you created will contribute toward the long-term sustainability of the company. Provide a rationale for your response.

5. Determine whether your best-practices policy would provide a competitive advantage over other international companies. Provide one example of a company's best-practices policy to support your response.

6. Use at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

• Design a comprehensive best-practices policy list that considers the benefits and impact of such policies on a given company.

Reference no: EM132818872

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