Reference no: EM133103891
Assignment - Job Application and Assessment
LinkedIn Profile update, Review of your SFIA Assessment and your Video Job Pitch Introduction
By now you should have refreshed your LinkedIn profile; undertaken your second skills/competencies evaluation using the mySFIA assessment tool and made some conclusions about how things have changed since your first evaluation back in Module 1. This last assignment brings these various elements together and draws on your learning and internship experiences challenging you to use these tools to deliver your best pitch for the job you really want right now. That pitch will take the form of a short video. If you have not done all that preparation by now, you need to reset and do it now.
In this assignment you will review your LinkedIn profile information, your previous SFIA skills assessments and update of those by making a video presentation. You may also want to update your written résumé and other relevant information before commencing.
In this Assignment 3 activity you will improve your presentation and job application skills by focusing on a specific and real job vacancy. You will analyse the job vacancy requirements using SFIA and then show how your skills match or approximate those stated in job vacancy advertisement.
This assignment is in two parts. In Part 1 you will assess the job vacancy and your fit to it using SFIA. In Part 2 you will produce a short video (60-90 seconds) job application pitch based on your SFIA assessment. Along the way you will receive feedback from both your tutor and your peers on your SFIA assessment and your video application. You will then upload your video to CANVAS.
This activity will:
• increase your chances of finding the best possible ICT job for your current skill set, and
• hopefully match your professional skills development and career plans.
Part 1: Your job vacancy assessment Task
Assignment 3, Part 1 is broken down into three separate sections. All three sections are found in the one MS WORD document template. Make sure you have read Topic 9 in this Module before attempting to do this assignment. The advertisement should have been copied directly and entirely from an open source such as SEEK.COM, INDEED.COM, or JORA etc. and not be more than three months old. The date and publication source must be specified and clearly verifiable. Do not screen out or edit any of the details in the job advertisement.
Your analysis of the job position advertised needs to include SFIA terminology, classifications and descriptors as appropriate, as well as some analysis of the company offering the position vacancy.
Section 1- Update LinkedIn Summary
Update the ‘Summary' section of your LinkedIn profile by listing your generic business skills and current professional skills, and the level of responsibility as defined by the SFIA framework. Your claims towards skills should be supported through description of previous work, life experience or other references relevant to claims.
In your LinkedIn profile ‘Summary' you need to include:
• A Listing of all your current SFIA skills and levels
• List of ‘Key Words' that reflect the scope of your job search objectives
• A brief introduction that demonstrates your values and important positive personality traits
• Make sure you have a ‘Links Table' that includes any current online résumés in social media (LinkedIn, ResearchGate, etc.), artefacts (publications, blogs, personal websites, etc.) as well as reviews/awards as downloadable files (online training certifications, micro-credentials, etc.).
Section 2- Job Advertisement
You should find a job advertisement you are interested in and which you believe your skill set is suited. The advertisement should be copied directly and entirely from an open source such as SEEK.COM, INDEED.COM, or JORA etc. and not be more than three months old. ‘Copy' and ‘Paste' your selected job advertisement in the table below:
Section 3- Job Analysis
Student Instructions: In this SFIA assessment ‘Job analysis tables' below, you need to show all the
artefacts/fields required for your selected job. These need to include the following:
• The task is broken out into two tables: (1) Generic Skills (2) Professional Skills
• Determine the job advertisement's SFIA skill level in in Column 1
• Identify your self-assessed SFIA skill level in Column 2
• Analyse your skills gap in Column 3 (below, meets, or exceeds)
• Address the skills gap with a plan to meet the gap or demonstrate how you meet or exceed the skill level in Column 4
• Generic Skills are provided for you, however In Table 2's Column 1 you must include the
SFIA four letter skill codes as supported in the job advertisement
Assignment 3 -
Part 2 - Your Video Application
In Topic 10, you will have begun preparing an application for the ‘real' job that you found in your ‘job search' website (,, JORA, etc.), a newspaper or other legitimate public source. In this Part 2 of Assessment 3 you will make a short video (60 to 90 seconds) that presents your best case for your selected job position. You should use those resources immediately available to you (mobile phone camera, camcorder, or laptop camera) to record and edit your video as you feel appropriate. You can add text, graphics and sound effects if you believe it is appropriate and you have that capability, but these additions are not required elements. This is an opportunity to present your personal style and cultural fit with the organisation not a test of your video making skills.
You must customise this ‘Job Application' (i.e. your video script and style of presentation) to reflect your skills and most importantly, what you believe are the requirements and skills attributes relevant to this job you developed in Part 1. That means, you will have to write and then record a video script that presents your case persuasively and your unique claims to the position advertised. Remember the video is only 60 to 90 seconds long. So, you need to be clear, succinct and appropriate in style and tone. That means you need to dress appropriately, speak in the appropriate register/tone and record the video in an appropriate location. You will need also to customise your presentation to provide the best evidence of the claims you are about to make for your chosen ‘applied-for' job position in your video. That means you can include text slides, photos and subtext if relevant. Remember, a ‘native' video submission in LinkedIn or any other social media platform will appear as a visual of the first frame of your video. So, including a title text or introduction slide creates the best impression. Lastly, this is an opportunity to showcase your creativity and communication skills, but it does not require a ‘Hollywood' production.
In general, your whole job application video needs to be able to answer the following questions:
• Does the job application and how it is presented really enthuse the viewer?
• Would you (or anyone you asked) as the viewer consider interviewing you, the presenter?
• Was the layout, look and feel of the video appropriately professional?
• Did you research the job enough to determine the appropriate style of presentation?
• Did you include anything in the script that indicated you did some solid research about the organisation or the sourcing company advertising the position where the company is not disclosed?
• Does it showcase your unique skills, qualities and talents effectively and appropriately?
• How will we know this is the job you really want?
• Is the script all your own original work? Specifically, your video needs to answer the following:
• Was the file submitted using the correct naming convention and file format? (i.e. Your Name Assignment 3 - Part 2 Video')
• Did you complete the ‘Discussion Forum' tasks before submitting the video assignment for assessment?
• Was the video within the time length requirement? (i.e. 60-90 Seconds from opening title sequence)
• Was the sound and picture clear?
• If text, graphics or pictures are used were they appropriate and purposeful?
• Did you begin the video with an appropriate title page or overlay text frame?
• Did you introduce yourself in a friendly, approachable and appropriate manner?
• Were you dressed and groomed appropriately?
• Did you ensure that the backdrop, lighting and set condition was appropriate for the task?
• Did you use the appropriate voice register, style and expression for the job position applied for?
• Did you address all the key skill requirements of the job and respond appropriately overall?
• Did you provide appropriate examples to demonstrate your key skill claims?
• Did you start with or employ an appropriate ‘elevator pitch'?
• Did you appear enthused by the opportunity?
• Were you able to employ SFIA categories and skills classifications and differentiation of levels in a natural and appropriate fashion?
• Did you conclude with your contact details?
Attachment:- Job Application.rar