Determine the impulse response of system

Assignment Help Simulation in MATLAB
Reference no: EM131487910

Problem 01

A set of floating magnets on a frictionless rod, with every other magnet having its poles reversed, makes an interesting demonstration of magnetic fields. The equations for nine such magnets are given by

m = -1 + 1/(xm - xm-1)2 - 1/(xm+1 - xm)2,

with x0 ≡ 0 and x10 ≡ 10, for 1 ≤ m ≤ 9. The initial conditions are xm(t) = m and x.m(t) = 0 for all t ≤ 0.

It is assumed that there is no friction. Plot all nine magnet positions vs time (units in seconds) on the same plot using the Halijak double integrator, which approximates a double integrater as

1/s2 = H(z) = T2z (z2- 2z + 1) .

Please do not use operational substitution!

Problem 02

A "pulse echoer" has the continuous-time transfer function

Gc(s) = (1 - e-s + 1/2e-4s - 1/2e-5s)/s

(A) Analytically determine the impulse response of this system.

(B) Using Pade approximation, obtain a rational transfer function reasonably well. Determine an impulse response for G^c(s).

(C) Determine a discrete-time approximation Gd(z) for Gc(s). Determine an impulse response for Gd(z).

(D) Compare the three impulse responses.

Problem 03

An approximation to the fractional-order integrator Gc(s) = 1/s3/8 is given by

       Goust(s) = (303.8s4 + 4.85 × 104s3 + 5.655 × 104s2 + 485s + 0.03038)/(s5 + 3440s4 + 8.641 × 104s3 + 1.597 × 104s2 + 21.7s + 0.0002154)

1. Determine the stiffness constant (stiffness ratio)of Goust(s).

2. Plot the Bode magnitude plots of Gc(s) and Goust(s) and determine the bandwith (range of frequencies ω over which the approximation is good. Also estimate the allowable error in dB when the approximation was designed. MATLAB commands that might be useful include logspace, semilogx, and log10.

3. Design a third-order accurate integrater that would allow accurate simulation of Goust(s) for a time-step T = 0.01. Use either the stability region placement technique or the matrix stability region placement technique.

4. Use the designed integrater to obtain a step response for Goust(s).

Problem 04

A continuous stirred tank reactor, commonly abbreviated CSTR, is a tank in which the non- isothermal, first-order irreversible reaction a → B is taking place. The dynamic model for a continuous stirred tank reactor is

d/dt.CA = F/V (CA0 - CA) - k0CAexp(-E/RT)

d/dt.T = F/V (T0 - T) - (ΔHrk0/ρCp).CAexp(-E/RT) - Q/VρCp

Q = aFcb+1/(Fc + (aFcB/2ρCpc)).(T - Tcin),

where CA the concentration of reagent A and T the reactor temperature are the state variables. The steady-state input flow of A, denoted by F and the input flow rate of coolant, denoted by Fc are the inputs. The inlet concentration of A, denoted CA0, the inlet temperature of A, denoted T0, and the inlet temperature of the coolant Tcin are considered disturbances. All other variables in the model are parameters. Table 1 identifies the disturbances, inputs, and parameters in the model, and gives typical values for most of these quantities.

It is suggested that with a = 516 × 103, Tcin = 343K, and T0 = 310K, that the system will have three possible steady-states (equilibrium points). One of the steady states (equilibrium points) is unstable at CA = 1.3718 mol/m3 and T = 349.905K. The other two steady states (equilibrium points) are stable. Simulate this system using the method of your choosing for three initial conditions, each initial condition resulting in each of the three steady states. You must find the initial conditions that lead to each of the three equilibrium points.

Problem 05

The equations that we used for Chua's system in homework were actually a variation on Chua's system that were proposed by Hartley. The Hartley-Chua system is given by

x? = α(y + (x - 2x3)/7)

y? = x - y + z

z? = - 100/7.y,

Chua's original system was described by

x? = α (y - g(x))

y? = x - y + z

z? = -100/7 y,





Typical Value







Reactor Concentration of reagent A



State Variable



Inlet Concentration of reagent A






Specific Heat Capacity of reagent A


g0 C




Specific Heat Capacity of coolant


g0 C










Steady State Flow of Reagent  A






Steady State Flow of  Coolant






Heat of Reaction




-130 × 106


First Order Reaction Rate Constant





Reactor  Temperature


State Variable



Temperature of Coolant





Inlet Temperature of Reagent A





Volume  of the CSTR





Density of Reagent A






Density of Coolant





Table 1: Typical Parameter Values for Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor.

where g(x) is a piecewice-linear function given by

            bx + (a + b), x ≤ -1
g(x) =  ax, -1 < x < 1 .
           bx - (a + b), x ≥ 1

Hartley's version of this system is to replace g(x) with gˆ(x) = ax + bx3, specifically using a = -1/7 and b = 2/7. For α = 10, and initial conditions x(0) = √2/10 , y(0) = 0, and z(0) = -√2/10, use the standard fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to simulate both the Chua system and the Hartley-Chua system. Create phase-plane plots (which start after the transient has died) and compare the behavior of the simulations. Additionally, create a time plots of the difference between the state variable values obtained via the Chua system simulation and the state variable values obtained via the Hartley-Chua system simulation.

Problem 06

A dynamical model of a zombie outbreak was formulated by Munz et al. This paper concluded that the only situation where both humans and zombies could coexist is when there was a treatment for "zombie-ism." This model for an outbreak consists of four groups, the suceptable group S of humans that could contract zombie-ism, the infected group I, that has contracted zombie-ism and will become zombies if the illness is left to take its course, the group of zombies Z, and finally, the individuals that have been removed, either humans who have died non-zombie deaths or zombies that have been eliminated. This model allows zombies that have been killed to be reanimated as zombies again. An additional group K of humans or zombies that are unable to be reanimated has been added. The modified model is given by

S? = ΠS - βZS - δS +cZ
I? = βZS - ρI - δI
Z? = ρI + ζR - αSZ -cZ
R? = δS - ζR,
K? = δI + αSZ

where the parameters and possible values are given in Table 2. Note that state variables are in terms of thousands, and the timescale of t is in days. For example, S(6) = 25, indicates that the susceptable population is 25, 000 people at day six of the outbreak. Simulate, using any simulation technique that produces reasonable results, at least 180 days worth of data (more time would be needed of the simulation does not reach a steady state) for the four cities shown in Table . Create six plots: one plot for each city including the S, Z, I, and R populations, and a plot that includes the S populations for each city normalized to the largest value of S, and a plot that shows the total Z populations for each city. For your reference, a simulation has been performed for Middletown, OH (population 97,500) and is shown in Figure 1


Verified Expert

The task is all about implementation of Matlab analytic ability to solve various problems. The assignments can be broken in six questions. Question 1 is based on the solving the differential equation and making plots. Question 2 is based on the analysis of control system solution. Question 3 implementation of control system and making various plots. Question 4 is based on cstr calculations. All derivation is completed in this. Question 5 is based on chua implementation. Question 6 is all about simulation of zombie based solution in MATLAB.

Reference no: EM131487910

Questions Cloud

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Determine the impulse response of system : Determine the impulse response of system - Determine the stiffness constant (stiffness ratio)of Goust(s).
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6/1/2017 4:26:36 AM

can this be delivered in 12 hours after payment ? My assignment is due on Monday 6am eastern time ( so I have 16 hours left) can you please send me all of the matlab files as well and an explanation of why certain methods were used for answers Is it possible to answer the questions without using Simulink ? by writing regular code that would get us the same result and can you add comments to all the matlab lines I want to understand what you did exactly in the code in question 2 Heaviside is unit step. Just to describe and stress on transition from 0 to 1 at origin we have this Heaviside defined. in question 5 fabs() definition is given, if again issue in this then please specify page number in report or code file name.


5/8/2017 1:55:32 AM

Please provide ACCURATE and DETAILED solutions. for the written part and the MATLAB simulation part. Reasoning for answers is required Determine a discrete-time approximation Gd(z) for Gc(s). Determine an impulse response for Gd(z).

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