Determine the importance of generic drug availability

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Reference no: EM132285291

Discussion :

Specify at least two (2) examples of quality initiatives that could potentially reduce healthcare cost. Illustrate, with real-world examples, the capacity to which healthcare cost affects healthcare quality in the United States.

Determine the importance of generic drug availability in relationship to healthcare quality and cost. Provide at least two (2) examples to illustrate the degree to which generic drug availability is significant to the uninsured.

Class according to the grading rubric and the Strayer Writing Standards, you have to support your work. If you are not including citations or references, then you are committing academic dishonesty and this is grounds for possible plagiarism.

I have explained this in the threads, in the orientation video, in the weekly overview videos, and still people are posting without supporting their work. So please know that this is a serious issue and I would highly recommend to complete the work based on the requirements or risk zero points and referral to The Academic Integrity Office.

Next: Please ensure you are using credible research. You cannot use .com, is the same as wikipedia, and you cannot use them.

You will lost points, if this continues and and may risk getting zero points on your discussions.

Reference no: EM132285291

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