Determine the gene frequency of beaker

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM1394515

If you pour 50 blue beads into a 250 ml beaker and you randomly take 50 beads from the beaker and place them in a 100 ml beaker (#1). Then you pour 50 green beads and 50 yellow beads into a second 250 ml beaker and randomly take 20 beads from the beaker and place them in another 100 ml beaker (#2). 1. what is the gene pool of beaker #1? 2. what is the gene pool of beaker #2? 3. what is the gene frequency of beaker #1? 4. what is the gene frequency of beaker 32? 5. what can you say about the genetic variation between these populations?

Reference no: EM1394515

Questions Cloud

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