Determine the extent to which returns in these assets

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM132311687

Financial Econometrics Assignment -

Carry out a set of regressions where the independent variable is 1-day returns in the various assets whose prices are in the file below using STATA and determine the extent to which returns in these assets can be explained by Fama and French 3-factor model.

For the avoidance of doubt, you will be running 8 different regressions. The dependent variable in each regression will be returns from each asset below.

CCMP - Index

FB US - Equity

MCD US - Equity

EEM US - Equity

DXY - Curncy

LIVX100 - Index

IYR US - Equity

LVS US - Equity

The independent variables will be the returns in the file below. THIS IS A 3-FACTOR MODEL. THE RISK-FREE RATE IS NOT A FACTOR.

Submit a single PDF that explains your methodology, summarizes results, and includes conclusions, econometric output and takeaways. Interpret and report alpha, beta coefficients, and r-squared statistics. Conclude with any takeaways or things you learned from this exercise.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132311687

Questions Cloud

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Determine the extent to which returns in these assets : Financial Econometrics Assignment - Determine the extent to which returns in these assets can be explained by Fama and French 3-factor model
Condition of risk or a condition of uncertainty : In your opinion, is it easier to make a decision under a condition of risk or a condition of uncertainty? Why? Give an example from your experiences to support
What does the term adjusted food cost mean : What does the term adjusted food cost mean? Why should you not just use your purchases as your food cost?
How does a manager communicate her authority : How does a manager communicate her authority? Give specific verbal and non-verbal examples.
What is the probability that you will win the grand prize : What is the probability that you will win the grand prize? Express your answer as an exact decimal (not a percent and do not round)


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