Determine the extent to which lobbying by special interest

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132147865


After reflecting on concepts and ideas presented in this week's assigned readings and video, prepare a paper critically analyzing the effect of special interests on ethical public administration. Address the following in your paper:

• Determine the extent to which lobbying by special interest groups is justified. Provide examples supported by evidence in the published literature.

• Determine the extent to which lobbying by special interest groups is not justified. Provide examples supported by evidence in the published literature.

• Explain how special interest group lobbying adversely impacts the public interest (e.g., crony capitalism, corporate welfare, tax credits, subsidies, etc.).

• Summarize your thoughts on major consideration to manage special interest group lobbying to avoid adverse consequences on public interest.

Support your paper with at least 4 scholarly resources including the ones identified below and attached in the zip folder. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your response should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Mandatory Scholarly Video Resources Below. Additional Mandatory Scholarly Resources Attached in Zip Folder.

Dan Rather Reports, "The Best Congress Money Can Buy" Full Episode.

Reference no: EM132147865

Questions Cloud

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Determine the reaction forces at each support : Consider the three membered planar truss structure shown in the figure. Determine the reaction forces at each support
Write one equation or one graph for each : Write one equation or one graph for each. What policies could the government pursue to address each factor? Should the government do so?
Price elasticity of demand for nicotine products : What can we say about the price elasticity of demand for nicotine products (such as cigarettes, pipes, tobacco) in the group of nicotine addicted users
Determine the extent to which lobbying by special interest : Determine the extent to which lobbying by special interest groups is justified. Provide examples supported by evidence in the published literature.
Evaluate how each of the given topics was influenced : Evaluate how each of the following topics was influenced by the Progressive Movement and the lasting impact each had on American Society.
Calculate the price elasticity of demand coefficient : Calculate the price elasticity of demand coefficient for Mr. Singhs family.
Concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere : Once in the atmosphere, gases remain there for long periods of time (centuries). Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide and methane.
What is the probability of uni-trax publishers : Based on this information, what is the probability of Uni-Trax Publishers selling between 2,000 and 4,000 textbooks?


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