Determine the evaluation methods for those control items

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM131619079

A project quality management program includes the following:

Quality management - Planning and implementing policies, procedures, and requirements.

Quality control - Ensuring that work is being performed and that work is being checked prior to its acceptance.

Quality assurance - Verifying that quality control tasks are being performed.

Continuous quality improvement - Continually pursuing improvement in the quality of the project process.

Quality costs - Redoing a project item even when doing so increases the item''s cost.

Using the examples from the notes and further research, develop a series of control methods for the business in your Strategic Management Plan.

Also determine the evaluation methods for those control items. Finally, discuss the importance of the control methods and the responsibility of the project manager for the decisions, actions, and overall outcome of the project.

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The piece has delivered the quality management services for the organization that has revealed through the process identifying the application determining the instances that has encountered through the process of determining the application of underpinning the aspects that can generate efficiency in working perspectives within the organization

Reference no: EM131619079

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8/30/2017 2:32:10 AM

***ATTACHED IS THE PROJECT TOPIC AND INFORMATION GATHERED SO FAR***** Using the examples from the notes and further research, develop a series of control methods for the business in your Strategic Management Plan. Also determine the evaluation methods for those control items. Finally, discuss the importance of the control methods and the responsibility of the project manager for the decisions, actions, and overall outcome of the project.

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