Reference no: EM132893190
Problem 1 Classify the following signals as energy signals or power signals and find the normalized energy or power of each:
(a) g(t) = 5 cos(2Π x 105t), -∞ < t < ∞
(b) g(t) = {A cos(2Πfot), -T0/2 ≤ t ≤ T0/2, T0 = 1/f0
g(t) = { 0, elsewhere
(c) g(t) = { 5e-3t, t> 0, a > 0
{ 0, elsewhere
Problem 2 Prove Parseval's Theorem for the following signal
g(t) = 20 cos(10t) + 30 cos (20t),
by calculating:
(a) the average power using time averaging,
(b) the average power using the coefficients of the exponential Fourier series.
Problem 3 The two-sided PSDof g(t) is given by Sg(f) = 10-7 f2.
(a) Find the average power in g(t) over the frequency band from 0 to 11 kHz
(b) Repeat (a) for the band from 5 to 6 kHz
Problem 4 Given a random process X(t) = A cos(2Πfot + Φ), where ,f0 is a constant and A and (Φ) are independent random variables uniformly distributed in the ranges (-1,1) and (0, 2Π), respectively.
(a) Determine its mean, E{x(t)}
(b) Determine its autocorrelation function, RX(t1, t2)
(c) Is the process WSS? Why?
(c1) Is the process ergodic in mean? Why?
(e) If the process is WSS, what is its power PX?
Problem 5 A signal x(t) = 5∏(104t) is applied at, the inplit of an ideal low pass filter with t musfer function H(f) = ∏(f/2x104). Sketch X (f); the transfer function, H(f); and the output Y(f).
Problem 6 In this problem, we prove that distortionless transmission reguires a linear phase of the transfer function in addition to its constant magnitude. Assume that the magnitude and phase of the transfer function H(f) is given by
|H(f)| = 1, |f| < B
|H(f)| = 0, otherwise
Show that the output y(t) of a signal input x(t) that is band limited to B Hz is given by
y(t) = x(t -to) + k/2 [x(t -t0 -T) - x(t - to + T)]
Problem 7 The autocorrelation function of a random process X(t) is given by
Rx(r) = N0/2 δ(T).
Suppose that X (t) is the input to aim ideal bandpass filter with bandwidth B and center frequency fc. Determine the total power of the signal at the output of the filter.
Problem 8 For the signal
x(t) = 2a/t2+a2
Determine the essential bandwidth B Hz of x(t) such that the energy contained in the spectral components of x(t) of frequencies below B Hz is 99% of the signal energy Ex.