Reference no: EM131258986
Assignment: Macroeconomic Theory
Question 1
Suppose we allow for installation costs, the utility function and production function are given by
U(ct) = ln ct (1)
yt = F(kt) = Akαt (2)
In addition, the resource constraint and capital accumulation are given by
yt = ct + [1 + (φit/2kt)] it and (3)
Δkt+1 = it - δkt, (4)
where φ ≥ 0.
(a) Write the First Order Conditions for consumption, capital, investment, and Lagrange multipliers for the optimal solution.
(b) Derive the equation for Tobin's q.
(c) Using (a) and (b), derive the Euler equation in terms of Tobin's q, capital, and consumption.
(d) Determine the steady state levels for Tobin's q, capital, investment, and consumption.
(e) Determine the effects of a permanent productivity increase (i.e. ΔA > 0).
Question 2
Suppose we allow for technological progress, the utility and production functions are given by
U(Ct) = ln Ct and (5)
Yt = (1 + µ)tKαt N1-αt, (6)
where µ > 0. In addition, capital accumulation is given by
ΔKt+1 = It - δKt. (7)
(a) Write the First Order Conditions for consumption, capital, labor, and Lagrange multiplier for the optimal solution .
(b) Derive the Euler equation.
(c) Discuss the issues with steady-state optimal growth paths for consumption, capital and output.
(d) Derive the per capita production function, yt = F(kt). [Note: yt = Yt/Nt and kt = Kt/Nt denote per capita output and capital in period t, respectively]