Determine the discharge with a recurrence interval

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Reference no: EM131139956

Repeat Prob. 5-15 if the annual series is a log Pearson Type Ill distribution with a skew coefficient of (I) -0.2 and (2) - 1.2.

A 50-year annual series of peak discharges is described by the log-normal distribution. The geometric mean of the series is 60,000 cfs and the standard deviation of the log of the discharges is 0.43.

(1) Determine the discharge with a recurrence interval of 25 years.

(2) Determine the discharge with a recurrence interval of 100 years.

(3) Find the recurrence interval associated with a discharge of 100,OOO cfs.

(4) What is the probability that a discharge of 100,OOO cfs will be equaled or exceeded in the next 15 years?

Reference no: EM131139956

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