Determine the data requirements of birchwood lane schools

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131050010

In this task, you will complete and submit an individual proposal. In your proposal, you should include the first two elements of your final project: a case needs analysis and a relational database model.

Birchwood Lane Schools

Birchwood Lane Schools should have a database for the following reasons, to keep better attendance of students in school, keep track of grades, and to keep track of any programs available for after school and so on. The main reason should be the data of grades for the students. We all make mistakes, this database program implemented could eliminate many of those mistakes. For example, I remember when I was in high school, my science teacher didn't give me credit for an important project that I completed, turned in and that she graded. For some reason she didn't right down next to my name that my project was complete. Well it messed up my honor roll because it took my grade down to a c. If we had some sort of database that could have caught the mistake and things would have ended up differently. In the end, my grade was never change and I never received my honor roll reward. This database will prevent those sorts of mistakes. Attendance is another big issue in schools today. Attendance should be tracked, logged and correct. If a student is in school, they should be able to scan there ID at there desk to log into school. This will not only ensure accuracy but also save time in school. The same things goes for lunch time. Log in as you enter the lunch room. This database will keep track of all the data needed to send to the school boards without having to keep papers, excel sheets etc... If you just log into the database you should be able to pull up any reports needed just with a couple clicks.

The key proposal components are:

1. Abstract or Executive Summary - a stand-alone piece for executives
2. Cover Letter - summarizes the project/brief overview
3. Introduction - Brief statement about the goal
4. Needs Statement/Statement of Significance - Problem, Data, Impact, who will benefit and how they will benefit
5. Goals and Objectives - Stating the problem to offering solution
6. Project Description - Describe and define methods, logical sequence of the project, timeline, resources
7. Sustainability -
8. Assessment - measurable outcomes, peer-reviewed publications, outside consultant, etc.
9. Dissemination - project methods and/or outcomes
10. Conclusion - reinstate main points, tie project to the goal
11. Budget -

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in your submission:

I. Case Needs Analysis: Determine the data requirements of Birchwood Lane Schools.

a. What data from the scenario is needed for the database and why?

b. To what extent is additional information needed to develop complete data requirements?

II. Relational Database Model

a. Based on the requirements you have determined, propose a relational database model. Be sure to include applicable entities and proper relationship mapping.

b. Propose a logical database model based on the entities present in your visual conceptual database model.

Reference no: EM131050010

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