Determine the courier cost. when he picked up the package

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133399372

On the Spot Courier Services

As an employee of a large international courier and shipping service, Bill Wiley met with many companies that shipped and received packages almost every day. He was frequently asked if his company could deliver local packages on the same day. This made him realize that there was substantial demand for courier services in the city where he lived. So he decided to start his own courier delivery company called On the Spot to fill this need.

As his business grew, Bill realized that he needed additional help, so he hired a person to help with the delivery and pickup of packages. But with the additional person, he could no longer store the packages in his delivery van which he had been using as a warehouse. So he rented a small warehouse and hired someone to be at the warehouse and coordinate the arrival and distribution of all packages.

At first, Bill received delivery requests on his mobile phone. However, it was not long before his customers were asking if he had a website where they could place orders for shipments. He knew that if he could get a web presence he could increase his exposure and help his business grow.

Bill hired you to help automate his package pickup and delivery process, which he described as follows:

When Bill got an order, he recorded when he received the call and when the shipment would be ready for pickup. Sometimes, customers wanted immediate pickup; sometimes, they were calling to schedule a later time in the day for pickup. He would like customers to be able to do this online.

Once he arrived at the pickup location, Bill collected the packages. It was not uncommon for a customer to have multiple packages for delivery. In addition to the name and address of the delivery location, he also recorded the time of pickup. He noted the desired delivery time, the location of the delivery, and the weight of the package to determine the courier cost. When he picked up the package, he printed out a label with his portable printer that he kept in the delivery van.

At first, Bill required customers to pay at the time of pickup, but he soon discovered that there were some regular customers who preferred to receive a monthly bill for all their shipments. He wants to be able to accommodate these customers. Bills are due and payable upon receipt.

To help keep track of all packages, Bill decided to scan each package as it was sorted in the warehouse. This would enable him to keep good control of his packages and avoid loss and delays.

The delivery of the package was fairly simple. Upon delivery, he would record information about when the delivery was made and who received it. Because some of the packages were valuable, it was necessary in those instance to have someone sign for the package.

Using the event decomposition technique, identify all the use cases the system should include. Present these in a table with the following columns: Event, Event Type (i.e., External, Temporal, State), Use Case, Actor.

Based on the use cases you have identified in (1) draw a use case diagram.

Include a table with short descriptions of all the use cases that you included on your use case diagram (Use Case Name, brief description, actor).

Reference no: EM133399372

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