Reference no: EM133075135 , Length: word count:2500
Assignment Brief
Business Contexts and its Management:
Assignment Industry Trend Analysis
Learning outcome 1: Analyses a business context and its influence on management decision
Learning outcome 2: Apply a range of analytical tools to aid in defining a given organisations business context and markets
Learning outcome 3: Demonstrate an understanding of management practice in response to a business context challenge
Learning outcome 4: Reflect on a response by management functions to a business challenge and describe an alternative strategy.
PART 1: Industry Trend Report
2.1. Introduction &Identifying Issues
Select an organisation from either high street retail, automotive or E-commerce industries(sectors), and give a brief overview of the chosen sector.
Your introduction should set the pace, indicating what is to be covered in the entire report. Emphasises should be given to the areas and industry sector the report will analyse and base strategy recommendation.
2.2. An analysis of an organisation's external environment
a) Determine the components of the industry sector(external environment)in which your chosen business operates.
b) Analyse the sector by applying relevant model(s)discussed in this module (ONLY ONE must be Chosen):
(1) Market size(TAM,SAM,SOW)andIndustry sector performance.
(2) Stage in the economic cycle(Business cycle analysis)
(3) Market or industry opportunities (Red Ocean&Blue Ocean strategy).
c) Formulate a suitable industry report and ensure you utilise current journals and other publications pertaining to the Covid 19pandemic period.
2.3. Aninternal environment competence analysis
a) Review the internal factors which determine the chosenorganisation's competences in competitive sector.
b) Apply appropriate assessment tool(s)(ONLY ONE must be Chosen): Mckinsey's 7S's model, VRIO Framework or Mintzberg 5P'sto identify challenges and opportunities for the business in response to its competitive environment.
c) Combine findings with of the external scan of the business environment previously conducted PESTLE and SWOT analysis is not required in this assignment to analyse the external and the internal environment.
2.4 The impact and influence of change and culture
Demonstrate an understanding of management practice in response to a business context challenge
a) Assess the impact of implementing of change on an organisation using relevant models,(ONLY ONE must be Chosen from:Kurt Lewin, John Kotter or Kubler Ross)
b) Explain the influence of culture on management decisions during transition,
(ONLY ONE must be Chosen from:Handy,Scholes and Edgar Schein)using an appropriate theory.
c) Illustrate the effectiveness of operational functions using tools such as TQM, Six-Sigma, JIT and Kaizen.(Choose ONLY one).
d)Stakeholder landscape- Identify internal and external stakeholders
1. Construct stakeholder analysis Power and Influence grid to visually represent individuals or groups who have power and can have an impact on decision making
2. Explain the process of stakeholder mapping.
e)Summarise relevant information andcomplete the industry report with a conclusion.
Strategic planning
For the selected business
a) Explain the benefits of planning when formulating strategy
b) Applyrelevant model to produce plan, objective, and future strategy to aid in the management of performance and task over an extended period.Model options includePDCA, Planning Cycle or OODA Loop.(Choose ONLY one).
c) Recommendsuitable strategies and approaches for the selected business employed post-pandemic and the long term.
Include a conclusion for both Industry Trend Reportand Client Report, summarising what has been done in the entire report, including the recommendations for the selected business.
Attachment:- Assignment Industry Trend Analysis.rar