Reference no: EM132142169
Because of approaching holiday season Omaha’s Meats is scheduled to work seven days a week for the next two months. November’s work for Omaha’s Meats consists five orders A,B,C,D, and E. Order A takes 5 days to complete and due on day 10, order B takes 10 days and due on day 15, C takes 2 days and due on day 5, order D takes 8 days and due on day 12 and finally order E takes 6 days to process which is due on day 8. Answer the questions below.
a. How many possible sequences of these jobs can have for processing?
b. Form a table of processing times and due dates.
c. Sequence the jobs with First Come First Served rule. Determine the completion time and tardiness for each job.
d. Sequence the jobs with Earliest Due Date rule. Determine the completion time and tardiness for each job.
e. Sequence the jobs with minimum slack rule. Determine the completion time and tardiness for each job.
f. Sequence the jobs with Shortest Processing Time rule. Determine the completion time and tardiness for each job.
g. What sequencing rule would you recommend for Omaha’s Meats for average completion time objective?
h. What sequencing rule would you recommend for Omaha’s Meats for minimizing the maximum tardiness objective?