Determine the classes that are required for the design

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131512916

Assignment - Specification

Business case study:Country Kitchen Classics Web User Interface

In this case study, you will design the classes that support the interface to the Country Kitchen Classics database (written in Java programming language). After your class design is completed, you are asked to provide implementation of your design as specified in the case study.


Your cousin Alice and her business partner, Rachel, plan to sell quality, gourmet frozen meals over the Internet. Alice and Rachel had been studying the market and see a need for these meals, especially among the elderly and busy working families. Alice knows that you are proficient in Java programming and graphical user interface design. She hires you for the summer to help create this exciting business.

Alice envisions the business to include these parameter: customers, meals, orders and shipping costs.
o Customers will be ordering their meals via the Internet, so the business needs to track their name, shipping address, telephone number, credit card details and email address.
o Meals will be categorized by their unique ID number. Each meal has a name, specific price and description, and this information must also appear in the database.
o Orders details need to include the specific meal(s), quantities, customer and whether the order requires overnight shipping.
o Shipping costs includes two flat-rate costs: one for regular shipping and one for overnight shipping.

Alice wants web interface to accomplish certain tasks. First, she wants you to create Internet order form for ordering meals. (The form should show basic order headings, such as Order Number, Customer ID, Date and a check box to indicate whether the customer needs overnight delivery.) In a suborn, the order information required to order meals should include headings for Order Number, Meal ID and Quantity.

In addition, Alice, as an administrator, wants the following features as queries:

1) Potential customers might telephone the office and ask for more details about certain menu items. So, Alice would like the office staff to be able to make queries that will display the description and price of each meal.

2) Alice would also like an easy way to calculate the number of meals sold on a particular day. She would like to be able to input the date and see a list showing meals with highest to lowest sales. This information is to ensure adequate inventory in the future.

3) The shipping clerk needs to see which of today's orders require overnight delivery so he can meet the pick-up deadline.

Finally, Alice requires you to create a daily report that lists each customer's ID number, last name, their order, the dollar amount of the order, shipping cost and total order, which includes both meals and shipping costs.

Your report should provide detailed answers for the following questions.

Q1. Specify Use cases (minimum of six) for the design of Country Kitchen Classics Web User Interface specifying the actors. Provide possible scenarios (minimum of two) for each Use case. (Use UML notation)

Q2. Determine the classes that are required for the design (minimum of four classes). All classes need to be given a meaningful name.

Q3. Assign attributes for the classes specifying the datatype, the possible range of values (meaningful names should be given).

Q4. Provide the class declaration for three of the classes and a simple implementation of initialization of datatypes of the classes.And provide a display() method that outputs the datatypes to the console.

Verified Expert

The solution file is prepared in ms word to discussed about the web interface for given case study which has use case diagrams,use case description, class diagram and partial implementation of code in java. The references are included as per apa format.

Reference no: EM131512916

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5/31/2017 5:15:04 PM

Grades Excellent Introduction Concise and specific to the exercise Case study 1 Concise and specific to the case study Case study 2 Concise and specific to the case study Case study 3 Concise and specific to the case study Case study 4 Concise and specific to the case study Conclusions All elements are present and very well integrated. Demonstration Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments IEEE Reference style Clear styles with excellent source of references.


5/31/2017 5:14:50 PM

just for reminder for the assignment of MN404 you need to write 800 words.Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks Introduction Brief introduction to the reports on your case study exercises 2 Case study Q1 Use cases 12 Case study Q2 Selection of classes 10 Case study Q3 Attributes (datatypes) 10 Case study Q4 Implementations 10 Conclusions Write clear conclusion to the case study. 3 Demonstration Demonstration - Reference style Follow IEEE reference style 3 Total 50

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