Reference no: EM131210736
Discussion 1
"Government and the Arts; Abstract Expressionism and Music" Please respond to one (1) of the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:
• Examine the U.S. Government's support during the Great Depression for programs, such as the Federal Arts Project, the Federal Writers' Project, and other such efforts. Determine whether or not such projects were good government investments during those hard times, and provide two (2) examples that support your viewpoint. Determine in what ways the U.S. government currently tries to support the arts.
• State whether you agree or disagree with the perception of Abstract Expressionism as exemplifying individualism and freedom. Explain the reasons for your views. Compare and contrast one (1) example of Abstract Expressionist visual art to John Cage's musical compositions.
After reviewing the pages and Websites below, explain how an abstract expressionist artist might respond to the assertion "my kid could paint that". Explain your position on that assertion.
Government and the Arts
• Chapter 37 (pp. 1228-1232), Federal support for the arts
• Government helping the arts in hard times at and
Abstract Expressionism and Music
• Chapter 38 (pp. 1255-1263, and 1268-9), Abstract Expressionism
• Chapter 38 (pp. 1266-1269), Music of Chance; review the Week 9 "Music Folder"
• John Cage, listen and see - "Dream" at
• John Cage, listen and see -- "4'33'" at
• "My Kid Could Draw That" views:; and
Discussion 2
Please respond to the following:
• Review this video, which reports the growing number of evictions as rents rise and property values increase. After 50 years at the same address, a 98 year old woman faces eviction. Although laws are different in each state, renters are having a harder time fighting evictions.
o Woman, 98, Evicted From San Francisco Apartment After 50 Year
• Suppose you are the judge, and a case is presented before you were a tenant is facing eviction. The landlord has been in constant contact with the tenant and is able to supply the texts and notes to the tenant. However, the tenant agrees that the landlord did contact him, but the tenant claims there was not sufficient notice. The landlord is able to show months of texts and notes begging for the rent from the tenant. What are the legal considerations you would evaluate to determine the claims of the tenant and the landlord? In whose favor would you rule, and why? Be sure to support your legal analysis.
Discussion 3
1. Briefly explain what your favorite retail store should do to improve its customer service.
2. What type of market research data would you want to have if you were going to reinvigorate an established brand of moist packaged cat food and dog food?
3. When you are given a receipt with a survey, how likely are you to call or go online to take the survey? Briefly explain your answer.
Required posting format: The Strayer discussion questions must be written as a heading, followed by the student's answer to the question. Ie.
Strayer question one fully written out
Your answer to question one
Strayer question two fully written out
Your answer to question two
Strayer question three fully written out
Your answer to question three
Discussion 4
"Labeling and Mental Disorders" Please respond to the following:
• From the e-Activity, identify the major advantages and disadvantages of labeling a person with a mental disorder. Next, describe how culture can influence our perceptions of mental disorders. Justify your response.
• Watch the video titled "The Gestalt Project: Stop the Stigma" (4 min 09 s). Be prepared to discuss. Video Source: Kian Madjedi. (2012, April 10). The Gestalt Project: Stop the Stigma [Video file]. Retrieved from This video can be reviewed from within your online course shell.