Determine the best number of firms to sell the secret to

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM131685444

Question: A firm in a perfectly competitive market invents a new method of production that lowers its marginal costs. What happens to its output? What happens to the price it charges?

a. The firm has an employee who threatens to tell all other firms in the industry about how to implement this new technique. Will it be possible to bribe the employee not to do this? Explain why or why not.

b. Why should this employee probably choose to tell only some of the other firms rather than all of them?

c. What factors will determine the best number of firms to sell the secret to? (Assume that those who get the information keep the secret instead of selling it to still others.)

Reference no: EM131685444

Questions Cloud

Difference between price and marginal cost : If the perfectly competitive firm produces the output at which its marginal cost equals market price, it receives no profit (or a very tiny one).
What historical evidence the author uses in the article : What historical evidence the author uses in article to enhance the power his argument? If there is no obvious argument and introduce the important people.
Draw the demand and supply curves : Draw the demand and supply curves and find the equilibrium price, quantity, and profit per producer.
How marketer influenced you in your decision making process : Critically discuss how marketer influenced you in your decision making process?
Determine the best number of firms to sell the secret to : What factors will determine the best number of firms to sell the secret to? (Assume that those who get the information keep the secret instead of selling).
Evaluate the completeness of their strategy for growth : Suppose Honest Tea has hired you as a consultant to evaluate the completeness of their strategy for future growth.
Why might the marginal product of the second server higher : Assume that the marginal product of a server in a restaurant equals the number of customers he can wait on per hour. The restaurant owner currently uses.
Should the firm raise the price of the product : Developing a new product has taken longer and required more work than was expected at the time the decision to develop was first made.
Define residual claimants in publicly traded corporation : Are shareholders residual claimants in a publicly traded corporation? Why or why not? In some industries, like hospitals, for-profit producers compete.


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