Determine the best location for the warehouse facility

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133678331

Question: The XYZ Company has six retail sales stores in the city of Raleigh. The company needs a new warehouse facility to service its retail stores. The location of the stores and the expected deliveries per week from the warehouse to each store are


Location (miles)

Expected Deliveries


(1, 0)



(2, 5)



(3, 8)



(1, 6)



(-5. -1)



(-3, 3)


Assume that travel distance within the city of Raleigh is rectilinear and that after each delivery, the delivery truck must return to the warehouse. If there are no restfit-lions on the warehouse location. where should it be located. Determine the best location for the warehouse facility

Reference no: EM133678331

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