Determine the average value of research payments

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132547212 , Length: word count:1500

Task On Canvas you will find five files, a mix of csv, txt and dat files and SAS formatted files. This information has been modified from data sourced from The files contain payment information from medical suppliers to physicians. See the image on the last page for guidance on the relationship between the tables. A data dictionary has also been provided on Canvas.

Use this information complete the following Tasks using SAS coding, with the goal of exploring the following questions.

Question: What financial benefits are being provided to physicians?

To assist you in answering this research question, you will need to complete at least the tasks listed on the following page using SAS code:

Question 1. Read the data into SAS using a data step or using a libref where appropriate. Ensure variables are formatted accordingly where required.

Question 2. Produce a graph that shows the distribution of the value of general payments made, for each of the different types of categories being drug, biological, device or other. Adjust your graph so this shows on a log scale. Ensure the graph is clearly labelled and has an informative title.

Question 3. Using PROC SQL, determine the average value of research payments given by each Manufacturer. Include in your report the details (name etc) for the five Manufacturers with the highest average payment, in an output produced with SAS code. Ensure this is well presented.

Question 4. Create a new variable "Funding" to represent the type, or combination of funding received by each physician. Produce a count of this new variable and show the percentage of the full cohort of physicians in this data set.

Question 5. Use at test to determine whether there is a difference in the average value of general payments for "Medical Doctor" compared to "Doctor of Dentistry" ie using their primary type. Use α=0.1.

Question 6. Include any other relevant analysis of this data (only) to assist you to understand the payments being made to US physicians.

Attachment:- Assignment - report format.rar

Reference no: EM132547212

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