Determine the average normal stress developed in each post

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM13531086

The rigid block has a weight of 80 kip and is to be supportedby posts A and B, which are made of A-36 steel, and the post C,which is made of C83400 red brass. If all the posts have thesame original length before they are loaded, determine the averagenormal stress developed in each post when post C is heated so thatits temperature is increased by 20 fahrenheit. Each post hasa cross-sectional area of 8 in2.

Given: A, B,α=9.6*10-6/fahrenheit.     Ato C =3ft C to B=3ft

                C, α=9.8*106/fahrenheit

         A, B,Elasticity=29*106psi

               C,Elasticity= 14.6*106psi

Reference no: EM13531086

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