Determine the approximate drag coefficient for the parachute

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM13531126

1.An engineer deposits $10,000 in a savings account on the daytheir daughter is born. They also deposit an additional $1000 onevery birthday after that. The account has a 5% nominal interestrate, compounded continuosly. How much money will be the accountthe day after her 21st birthday?

a. $36,200   b. $41,300   c.$64,800   d. 84,300

2.A 5-m-diameter parachute of a new design is to be used to transporta load from flight altitude to the ground with an average verticalspeed of 3 m/s. The total weight of the load and theparachute is 200 N. Determine the approximate dragcoefficient for the parachute.

Reference no: EM13531126

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