Reference no: EM132981373
State the plan you would carry out to initiate a collective bargaining agreement in the company you work for. (I am an office supervisor)
1. List the areas of bargaining to be worked on (type & scope).
2. Determine the appropriate unit (group of eligible employees) to bargain.
3. Establishes the bargaining rules:
a. An agreement where the union is authorized to bargain on behalf of all workers. on behalf of all workers.
b. Economic, maximizing, wages, overtime pay, ect.
c. Improving working conditions, not limited to working hours, health insurance and safety in the workplace. health insurance and safety in the work area, among many others.
d. To be supportive, for example; death of a family member, or illness of the family or of the family or worker's illnesses.
e. Protect the working woman, offer adequate conditions for the gender where there is no discrimination, where it offers a specialized area for breastfeeding, in addition to providing breastfeeding periods, medical appointments, etc.).
f. The term of the agreement, the time to execute it may not be less than one year or more than 3.
4. Establish the method or methods to be used in the event of a deadlock in negotiations.
5. Why is it important to have collective bargaining agreements?
6. What has been the impact that unions have had on the formulation of labor policy?
7. What other aspects should be taken into account before and during the negotiation of a collective bargaining agreement?