Reference no: EM13920509
1. Discuss methods of transport planning process and highway planning strategies.
2. Apply and evaluate methods of analysis of highway traffic and signalized intersections.
3. Evaluate the principles of highway alignment, and carry out geometric design and intersection designs, including environmental aspects.
The road network of any city is its lifeline and the evaluation of their performance is very necessary for future traffic planning, design, operation and maintenance. Traffic congestion is the common problem of most urban area in Oman, in Alkhod city; most of the roads are congested.
It required to present study is to improve the performance operation of the urban road network by proposing the proper alternatives to enhance the traffic capacity by analyzing the traffic flow in Sultan Qaboos University Street.
It is required to present a study to improve the mentioned street includes volume and speed and speed flow relationship understand LOS, geometric design for the road and intersections. The study should include the followings:
Part 1 - Transport planning and geometric design
Determine the suitable carriageway standard for the proposed route with brief justification of your selected carriageway standard. This should include
• Discuss the existing traffic situation
• Evaluate the traffic performance operation
• The importance of transport planning
• Transport and Sustainable Development
• Methods of transport planning includes the traffic studies and environmental studies
• Determine of Level of Service (LOS)
• Geometric design including the speed, number of lanes, horizontal alignments, sight distances.
Part 2 - Carriageway Cross Section
Referring to text book for widths and other sources of information for elements of highway construction, draw and submit a typical highway cross-section for your selected route labelled with dimensions and main elements of construction.
Part 3 - Intersection Design
Referring to textbook for design highway intersections, draw and submit suitable type of intersection with dimensions and main elements of construction.