Reference no: EM132539145
BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational change - Choice Business College
Performance objective
The candidate will demonstrate the ability to determine strategic change requirements and opportunities; and to develop, implement and evaluate change management strategies.
Assessment Task 1
1. Describe a process / steps that you should follow when dealing with change management
1. Describe the three phases in an Organisational Change Management Life Cycle
3. How could you ensure senior management reinforces your change management program?
4. Describe briefly how you could use David Kolbs Learning Styles when encouraging change
5. What are the 5 stages of change as implied by the Kubler-Ross Model
6. Why might people resist change? Give reasons.
7. Describe why a person's family upbringing may affect how they respond to change.
8. Describe at least 3 (three) different reasons why people may react differently to change
9. Describe any three (3) different ways people may react to change
10. Describe in detail how you can lead employees through organisational change.
11. What impact does organisational behaviour have on change strategies?
12. Describe 4 different ways the external environment can affect change strategies?
13. Describe what you should include in each of the following change management plan components.
14. List 5 other components of a change management plan that are not covered in the previous question.
Assessment Task 2
Project report: Identify change and develop change management strategy
Scenario: BD Corp
You are a senior manager within BD Corp., a private training organisation delivering customized training to corporate clients throughout Australia. Since starting 5 years ago, BD Corp. has focused on three main streams of courses, including:
• Customer services
• Time management
• Leadership development
BD Corp. has now recognised that one of the most important assets is its trainers. BD Corp. employs 18 trainers - 4 training customer services, 6 training time management, and the remainder training leadership development. Of the 18 trainers, 4 have been employed since the company started, but the remaining 14 trainers are not stable. The average employment length of these trainers is 3 - 7 months. The management is not sure why this is the case, as the trainers are paid well above industry standard wages, and offered flexibility within the workplace.
All recruitment is undertaken by the CEO, who has many years' experience delivering training in the corporate sector. The CEO is highly recommended by his clients, and has a comprehensive network within Australia's top 100 Blue Chip companies.
Currently BD Corp does not have any "formal" recruitment policies, but in general follows the following steps
• positions are advertised on
• the CEO's wife (who does not officially work in the company) looks over each one, then short lists them for the CEO to interview
• the company administration team then contacts each shortlisted applicant and invites them to attend a group interview, where they are required to sell themselves to the CEO
• if the applicants are successful at this stage, they are invited to a one-on-one interview with the CEO, who discusses the position requirements and company expectations
• successful applicants are then offered a position with salary negotiated directly with the CEO.
In relation to staff management, the CEO undertakes the following:
• Team meetings are run with all staff every 3 months. The meetings discuss company performance, new clients, new system / processes and issues that have arisen over the past 3 months
• Annual performance reviews are undertaken, but are not recorded. Sometimes the reviews are undertaken around 9 months, sometimes around 15 months (where there are no issues).
• The CEO has an open-door policy, however is often out of the office networking and creating sales for the company.
The CEO has developed a 2-year strategic plan (provided)
Your task is to develop a comprehensive change management plan for the organisation.
This plan will:
• Confirm the business or organisations vision and mission;
• Include relevant organisational values
• Identify and consider strengths and weaknesses of existing and potential competitors and allies
• Analyse organisation's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats through a detailed SWOT analysis
• Document relevant research and background for inclusion in the strategic plan
• Formulate strategic objectives and strategies needed for the future
• Detail each strategy with an assigned priority, a timeframe, responsible parties and measurable performance indicators
• Provide for due diligence
Your aim is to identify any change requirements / opportunities that can be established within BD Corp.
You will also need to
• Ask further questions as needed directly to your CEO (role-played by your assessor). Remember, your CEO is a busy person, so you must be prepared during all communications.
• Monitor the trends within the external business environment (other corporate training organisations)
• Consider performance gaps / business opportunities or threats / or management opportunities
• Review and prioritise all change requirements
Once you have identified an appropriate change requirement / opportunity, you are to develop a change management strategy. This strategy must include:
• A situational awareness that
– Discusses your change characteristics
– Identifies and describe your organisational attributes
– Identifies your impacted
• A supporting structure
– Team structure
– Sponsor coalition
• A strategy analysis including
– Risk assessment
– Anticipated resistance
– Special tactics
• A cost benefit analysis for high priority change opportunities
• A change management project plan
• Relevant communication / education plans
2 - year strategic plan
We will develop a high-performance culture in an environment which encourages collaboration and focuses on exceeding customer expectations
Assessment Task 3
Role play: Prepare and implement change management plan
You are to submit the following
• Your meeting plan,
• Copies of documentation provided to employees
Attachment:- Lead and manage organisational change.rar