Reference no: EM13501418
Sharifah Sariah Syed Hassan Study (2011)
(E-learning interactions, information technology self efficacy and student achievement at the University of Sharjah, UAE)
Goal of the study: The main goal of the study is to identify E-learning interactions, information technology self efficacy and student achievement at the University of Sharjah, UAE. Sample & Statistical Methods used: A sample of 231 students enrolled in the General university requirement courses for the first semester 2007/2008 were selected from a target population of 2000 (students who enrolled in courses via Blackboard). Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used in this study .Results: Using SEM, it may be shown that there is a strong link between students' IT self-efficacy and students' academic achievement through the influence of e-learning interactions.
Abdallah Arman, Taha El-Arif and Abdul-latif Elgazzar Studies (2009):
(The effect of e-learning approach on students' achievement in Biomedical Instrumentation course at Palestine Polytechnic University)
Goal of the study :The main goal of the study is :To identify The Effect of e-learning Approach on Students' Achievement in Biomedical Instrumentation Course at Palestine Polytechnic University. Sample & Statistical Methods used :A sample of 14 students was treated as an experimental group. This group had studied the course of biomedical instrumentation being programmed using the (MOODLE) platform Learning Management System. One sample t test, paired test were used in this study. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Shapiro-Wilk tests were used to check for normality assumptions .Result :The result showed electronic mediums make grading of tests and quizzes simpler, as scores can be tabulated immediately after the completion of a quiz or test, providing quick and accurate feedback to learners.
Al-Qahtani &Higgins,S.E. Studies(2012) :
(Effects of traditional, blended and e-learning on students' achievement in higher education)
Goal of the study: The study tries to determine the relationship between e-learning, blended learning and classroom learning with students' achievement. Sample & Statistical Methods used : Pre-test / post-test design is used with a control group. Three groups were chosen using random sample selection from 65 groups of students studying Islamic Culture (101) at Umm Al-Qura University in Saudi Arabia. Groups were then randomly assigned to conditions. The study sample comprised of 148 students; 50 in the control group, 43 in the first experimental group, and 55 in the second experimental group. Paired test and effect size determination were used in this study. To check for normality assumptions, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Shapiro-Wilk tests were used. Results:The results tend to suggest a statistically and educationally significant difference between the achievement of students using blended learning and students using e-learning only, to the benefit of the blended learning group.
Mohamed Mahmoud Zinedine study (2006):
(The impact of e-learning experience in the Egyptian collection at the junior high school students and their attitudes towards)
The Goals of the Study: To identify the impact of e-learning on Egyptian schools in the preparatory stage. The Study Sample: Third preparatory grade student volunteers throughout three schools in Port Said. This sample was not randomly selected as the study sample comprised of 112 students. The Methodology of the Study This study involved both descriptive and experimental methods. Tools of the Study: Achievement test and Direction scale. Statistical Method ( Style ) This research used the averages and standard deviations for the three groups in the degree of achievement and direction before and after the experiment. Results of the Study There are no differences in achievement between students using e-learning and those studying via the traditional methods in mathematics. Furthermore, there are no differences in direction of third-grade preparatory students studying by means of e-learning and those using traditional methods in mathematics.
Gomaa Hessin Ibrahim Study ( 2007 ):
(The Impact of E-Learning on the Achievement of Educational Qualification Diploma Students in the Methodology of Teaching Biology)
Research Objectives The main objective of this study was to assess the impact and effectiveness of e-learning on the achievement of educational qualification diploma students in methods of teaching Biology in comparison to more traditional education in both male and female subjects. The Study Sample: The simple random method was adopted. A sample of 26 educational qualification diploma students who used e-learning in their education process were selected, plus another group of 26 students who used traditional methods. The Methodology of the Study The experimental method was used in this study. Statistical Method ( Style ) This research used average scores and standard deviation value (T) for both genders combined in the experimental and control groups in the direct final achievement test. Results of the study: Researchers found that e-learning has a positive impact on student achievement, with a statistically significant difference (a significance level of 5%) between the achievements of the experimental male and female groups, and achievement of the control group males and females students in favor of the experimental group used e-learning. There is no difference in the achievement between students of the experimental group.
Omaima Hemed al-Ahmadi Study ( 2009 ):
(The effectiveness of e-learning in the achievement and retention of students at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities in Madinah)
The Goal of the Research The main aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of e-curriculum online and to examine the impact of educational software on the achievements of students at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities for Girls in the literary sections of Social Sciences Department in Medinah. Another objective of the study was to identify the impact of e-curriculums online and educational software in the academic achievement of the same sample group. The Research sample 75 third year students at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities for Girls literary sections were selected randomly. Research Methodology: This research used the experimental method. Statistical methods ( Style ): Several methods have been deployed including statistical analysis of variance test is (simple) mono and descriptive statistics for the three groups (control group, the experimental first, experimental two) was used as the simple average of the differences between independent groups in achievement test scores. The researcher used a comparative tests known as oral test to discover the differences in favour of any of these three groups. Search Results:The researchers discovered the following: There were statistically significant differences between the first experimental group (using e-learning and educational software) and experimental second (e-learning through the use of electronic educational sites) favouring the second group with regards to achievement. Also, statistically significant differences were discovered between the first experimental group (using e-learning and educational software) and the second experimental (e-learning through the use of electronic educational sites) to the benefit of the second group.
Asser Bnmamed bin Atallah Ghuraibi study (2009 - 2008) :
(The impact of teaching three classes using electronic images (interactive - a collaborative - integrative) to collect the fifth grade in elementary mathematics)
The Goal of the Study The main objective of this study wass to identify the impact of electronic teaching classes (interactive Electronic class, collaborative e-class, integrative e-class) and its effect on the knowledge, memory, understanding, and application of students in 5th level primary school math, division unit. The Methodology of the Study The semi-experimental method was the chosen methodology, due to its consistency with the study objectives. The Sample of the Study This sample was a random selection consisting of 72 pupils from three different schools in Al-Taif city to save an electronic class in each of the three schools. Saudi Arabia Elementary School has an interactive e-class with 26 pupils, Ammar bin Yasser elementary school has a cooperative e-class with 24 students, and Al-Gahez elementary school has an integrative e-class with 22 pupils. Tools of the Study The study incorporated achievement testing tools to assess cognitive levels: memory, cognition, and application, whereby students ascertained the validity and reliability of the study tool in addition to educational software divided amongst the three groups. Statistical Method ( style ) SPSS was selected to make the relevant statistical formula to data processors, objectives of the study, and its parameters. The researcher also used the method of analysis of variance (ANOVA) to identify the differences between the averages of the three-fold dimensionality of the study groups. Results of the Study: The findings of the study are as follows: The researcher found no statistically significant differences at the level of memory among the three study groups (interactive e-class, collaborative e-class, integrative e-class) after the pre-test procedure for the study groups. The researcher discovered statistically significant differences in the understanding factor between interactive e-class and integrative e-class in favor of the integrative e-class. There were no statistically significant differences between the integrative e-class and collaborative e-class in the collection of knowledge at the level of cognition, and that there was no statistically significant difference between the collaborative e-class and interactive e-class in the collection of knowledge at the level of memory. The researcher found that there was no statistically significant differences at the application level between the three study groups ( interactive, collaborative and integrative e-classes ). Finally, after pre-testing on the three study groups, it was discovered that there were statistically significant differences on all levels between interactive and integrative e-classes in favour of integrative e-class and there were no statistical differences between integrative e-class and collaborative e-class in cognitive achievement on all levels. There were no statistically significant differences between collaborative e-class and interactive e-class in the collection of knowledge on all levels.