Determine necessary consideration for building your program

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132081283

NEED Pseudocode and JAVA CODE

Monitoring System

As a zookeeper, it is important to know the activities of the animals in your care and to monitor their living habitats. Create a monitoring system that does all of

the following:

Asks a user if they want to monitor an animal, monitor a habitat, or exit

Displays a list of animal/habitat options (based on the previous selection) as read from either the animals or habitats file

Asks the user to enter one of the options

Displays the monitoring information by finding the appropriate section in the file

Separates sections by the category and selection (such as "Animal - Lion" or "Habitat - Penguin")

Uses a dialog box to alert the zookeeper if the monitor detects something out of the normal range (These will be denoted in the files by a new line starting with. Do not display the asterisks in the dialog.)

Allows a user to return to the original options

You are allowed to add extra animals, habitats, or alerts, but you may not remove the existing ones.

Process Documentation: Create process documentation to accompany your program that addresses all of the following elements:

A. Problem Statement/Scenario: Identify the program you plan to develop and analyze the scenario to determine necessary consideration for building your program.

B. Overall Process: Provide a short narrative that shows your progression from problem statement to breakdown to implementation strategies. In other words, describe the process you took to work from problem statement (your starting point) to the final product. Your process description should align to your end resulting program and include sufficient detail to show the step-by-step progress from your problem statement analysis.

C. Pseudocode: Break down the problem statement into programming terms through creation of pseudocode. The pseudocode should demonstrate your breakdown of the program from the problem statement into programming terms. Explain whether the pseudocode differs from the submitted program and document any differences and the reason for changes.

D. Methods and Classes: Your pseudocode reflects distinct methods and classes that will be called within the final program. If the pseudocode differs from the submitted program, document the differences and reason for changes.

E. Error Documentation: Accurately document major errors that you encountered while developing your program.

F. Solution Documentation: Document how you solved the errors and what you learned from them.

Reference no: EM132081283

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