Reference no: EM133155196 , Length: word count:800
LO 1: Work collaboratively with others to develop a project proposal outlining the research methods and approach to be taken in addressing the organisational problem at hand.
LO 2: Obtain and critically apply both relevant primary and secondary research and data to the analysis of the organizational issues being studied
LO 3: Determine key recommendations to the issues being studied and demonstrate technical, communication and presentation skills to present research findings back to the client
LO 4: Apply key managerial skills (problem solving, leadership, change management and resilience) to deliver solutions to the client both individually and collaboratively
Assessment Details: Students will form groups of about four to complete this business client consultation, although smaller groups of any size may be approved by the lecturer. Each group will have members with expertise across a range of disciplines. Students in this class are studying different fields. Some are enrolled in the Master of Business degree, and some in the Master of Professional Accounting degree. Groups that have members representing both fields are likely to benefit from a broader set of knowledge. As such, groups must have members from both MBA and MPA degrees.
Groups should create the necessary shared documents - perhaps one or more documents and sets of presentation slides - and ensure they are shared with all group members and their lecturer.
The Client: Students are required to choose a company to be the focus of their report. This must either be an organisation that a group member knows well and has access to its people and documents OR it must be a publicly listed company with documents such as the Annual Report available online. Approval from your lecturer regarding your chosen company is required.
The Report: The purpose of the consultation is to analyse the current state of an organisation from the perspective of its finances, marketing, human resources et cetera, identify the issues (Covid 19, war, trade restrictions) for the organisation and make recommendations for improving the viability of the organisation and the achievement of its goals. Each group will prepare a written report of their findings and recommendations to the client organization.
This assessment item contributes 40% of the final mark for this subject. Each report will consist of a general section setting out background information, identification of Covid-19 implications and general recommendations (worth 20% and shared by all group members) plus separate discipline or functional (accounting, finance, marketing, HRM etc) focused sections (to be submitted by individual students and worth 20% each student). Both the general/group and individual sections must show evidence of critical analysis and evaluation utilising relevant scholarly literature.
Assessment criteria summary:
- In-depth investigation of an organisation and the identification of its strengths and weaknesses.
- Impact of Covid-19- challenges and opportunities for the organisation.
- Critical use of the literature to develop strategies and a business plan for the organisation.