Determine if the case would go through civil court

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Reference no: EM131581564

Unit 1 Assignment Part I:

You get into a car accident while leaving the grocery store parking lot. You and the other driver are sober. Each of you claim it was the other persons fault.

An insurance company overcharged you for coverage and refused to refund your money. You are seeking to recoup your monetary loss.

You are the victim of a domestic violence incident. The police have been called and you wish to press charged. The local prosecutor supports your decision.

For each of these events provide a response to the following questions:

Is this event considered a criminal act or a civil wrong? Explain your reasoning.

Determine if the case would go through civil court or criminal court. Explain your reasoning.

Part II:

Explain the difference between a case going through the criminal judicial process and civil judicial process (criminal courts vs. civil courts).

Highlight the key differences and similarities between the two. Your response should cover everything from how a case will appear before a judge to the punishment phase.

A quality response to Parts I and II will be at least one to two pages in length.

Remember to write your responses in your own words and cite any references used.

Submit Part I and Part II to your instructor as one Microsoft Word document.

Reference no: EM131581564

Questions Cloud

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Determine if the case would go through civil court : Determine if the case would go through civil court or criminal court. Explain your reasoning.
Conflict as a tool for administration : Conflict can facilitate productivity and creativity among service providers and other staff within the organization.
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Involved in service marketing mix of people : What are the ethical issues involved in service marketing mix of people, process and physical evidence?


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