Reference no: EM131528754
Part 1: Answer questions (provide 2-3 sentences for each question)
1. As you consider blending tradition and innovation in k-12 classroom, point out three considerations one must make when introducing innovation and balancing tradition within global classrooms.
2. In many American classrooms, the concept of global education would be considered innovative. Describe how you might blend tradition with the introduction of global education in an American classroom.
Part 2: The Bologna Process and the Transformation of European Higher Education
This case study describes the process by which the structure and focus of the European university systems has been scrutinized in recent years. The goals are to increase the harmonization of degree structures, academic outcomes, and quality assurance. The most important outcome is to examine and optimize the mobility for students and academic staff.
1. Briefly summarize the journey that the Bologna Process has taken.
2. Determine how the Bologna Process is positioned to serve the academic needs of pan-European countries.
3. Analyze how the Bologna Process will support the academic initiatives in the U.S.
4. Augment the Bologna Process with three (3) additional ideas you may have to improve the flexibility of universities in Europe.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Describe the historical roots, context, and scope of global education.
Evaluate the depth and breadth of research about global education.
Develop the ability to critically review the existing practices in higher education on the global front.
Analyze how changes in society have impacted both the history and policy of higher education institutions.
Formulate conceptual frameworks about global education policy and practice.
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