Determine how much per year needs to be invested

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13335659

If an individual has a person financial goal of accumulating $1,000,000 by the age of 65 in order to be financially independent, travel, and enjoy spending time with family and friends, how much per year needs to be invested if the person starts at the following ages and the expected annual return is 10%

a) age 25

b)age 35

c) age 40

d)age 50

e) how much annual income will $1,000,000 provide for an individual at age 65 if he or she purchases a 20 year single premium annuity at age 65 which guarantees 4%

Reference no: EM13335659

Questions Cloud

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How is the exchange rate determined in a freely floating : For few months, prior to your vacation trip to France, you find that the exchange rate for your U.S. dollar has increased relative to the Euro. If you were a U.S. citizen or resident, are you pleased? Explain.
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Determine how much per year needs to be invested : If an individual has a person financial goal of accumulating $1,000,000 by the age of 65 in order to be financially independent, travel, and enjoy spending time with family and friends, how much per year needs to be invested
Find the impulse imparted by the stick to the puck : A hockey player strikes a puck that is initially at rest. The force exerted by the stick on the puck is 960 N, Find the impulse imparted by the stick to the puck
A coin was flipped 60 times and came up heads 36 times : A coin was flipped 60 times and came up heads 36 times. Suppose you test whether the proportion of heads is greater than 0.50 at a 10% level of significance. What is your conclusion?
Explain equilibrium constant kc for the reaction : equilibrium constant Kc for the reaction: H2 (g) + CO2 (g) - H2O (g) + CO (g) a) in one experiment, a container is introduced in a mixture formed by the four shown in the reaction gases
Find how much cash will have accumulated by age 65 : if an individual places $4000 per year into a Roth individual retirement account beginning at age of 35, how much cash will have accumulated by age 65 if 8% interest is earned each year


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