Determine how much energy your household consumes

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Reference no: EM132410596


Evaluation Title: Environmental Literacy Plan - Phase IV

Use an energy calculator to determine how much energy your household consumes. Discuss how you could lessen the amount of energy that is consumed. What types of energy are used? Which of the sources are from renewable energy sources?

What is the impact of using nonrenewable energy?

Explore your community for evidence of renewable energy sources (wind power, solar power, geothermal, or nuclear). Take pictures of how it is implemented. What are these renewable energy sources doing for your community?

Discuss what sources are available and how they could be implemented.

Format this information using the template provided or create your own template. You may also modify the template layout as long as it meets all of the assignment requirements.

Validate your statements and opinions with supporting evidence (citations and references) in APA form.


Environmental Literacy Plan - Phase IV for your community (PDF or Word document)

Reference no: EM132410596

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