Determine how many people are unemployed

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13233757

NOT IN LABOR FORCE: 79.5 million
- EMPLOYED: 145.4 million
- UNEMPLOYED: 8.9 million

suppose 5 million originally discouraged workers have come back to the job markets looking for jobs. Before any of them can find a job, how many people are unemployed?

Reference no: EM13233757

Questions Cloud

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Determine how many people are unemployed : TOTAL CIVILIAN POPULATION AGE 16 AND OLDER: 233.8 million NOT IN LABOR FORCE: 79.5 million CIVILIAN FORCE TOTAL: 154.3 million - EMPLOYED: 145.4 million - UNEMPLOYED: 8.9 million CIVILIAN UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: 5.8%
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