Determine how many of the five important qualities

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133768525

Case: The finance function within a company incorporates many tasks related to financial reporting, asset management, tax reporting, strategic financial planning, and communication with investors. This discussion provides an opportunity to investigate how these task responsibilities are managed as well as the qualities of successful financial managers.

In your post

Compare the roles and responsibilities of controller and treasurer as described in the text.
Explain how the five important qualities are relevant for each role and which quality is the most important to each role.
Determine how many of the five Important Qualities you will use to complete the final project in this course.
Provide a current job posting for a controller or treasurer
Identify whether the job posting indicates any of the five important qualities as a qualification for the position.

Reference no: EM133768525

Questions Cloud

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Determine how many of the five important qualities : Determine how many of the five Important Qualities you will use to complete the final project in this course. Provide a current job posting for a controller
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